Lowberry CFL n Organics


Well-Known Member
SO i decided to start up a journal so i could get some constructive criticism on my first legit grow. have been around plants a long time so i have a decent idea how not to kill these things. Here are the details of my set-up

Lights- 8 26w cfls (3 2700k and 5 6500k). on a 20/4 schedule. Have 42w 2700k for flowering

Soil- Black Gold Organic

Room- Cabinet i found in trash using a vent for passive intake covered in a little filter to prevent dust, bugs, etc. and an 87 cfm (i think) computer fan for exhaust. Also now have an oscillating fan blowing on my babies. Have air conditioner in same room so good temps not sure of humidity but think its all good.

Strain- Lowberry (autoflowering from dutchbreed.com) also have Minithunderfuck but not planted as of yet.

Plants are a week old now two have taken of and are looking huge but the other four are lookin a little stunted and somewhat yellow-green colored. I dont think its nutes but i think i have overwatered them (im used to tropicals so i tend to do this). In the mean time i am going to sit back and wait for the gang to dry and watch my two man-child plants grow and hopefully get the little ones into gear. I have pics from when they were five day old but cant seem to figure out how to put them up (also what is a legit site to use to host your pics). Cant wait to get those up and shown you guys what im working with. Any comments or advice welcome!


Well-Known Member
pulled out the four stunted ones cause i think they had dampening-off disease cause i had their wet soil in the basement before i planted them the other two are still doing really well so i started germin five more and only plan on moistening the soil when i am about to plant to stop fungus and mold. Do you guys think keeping dry soil in the basement is all right?