Low Stress Training


In general, is it a good idea to perform Low Stress Training (LST)?
Would it be a good idea for a neophyte, such as myself, to perform LST? It is my second grow and my first in soil.
I nervously gave it a try with my first grow. I've nothing to compare it with as to wether it was worth it or not but it certainly didn't harm my plants in any way.
Were you able to successfully finish your first grow from seed to curing? LST is super easy but you'll probably snap a few nodes as you learn the tolerances of the plants. The earlier you can start training the better as the stems will firm up faster than you think.
In general, is it a good idea to perform Low Stress Training (LST)?
Would it be a good idea for a neophyte, such as myself, to perform LST? It is my second grow and my first in soil.
If you are interested in larger more even canopies, then yes it's a good idea.

If you are having major issues keeping a plant healthy then I'd say skip it and focus and just keeping the plant healthy.

If not then give it a shot. As the name implies it's low stress. It's not going to noticeably slow the plant.

Like anything else the more you do it the better you'll become. You'll learn how far you can bend a branch before it gets to it's breaking point. In general you just want to bend down branches to open spots in the canopy and in an even level.
Thank you everyone for your helpful comments. I will take them into consideration as I decide whether to implement LST.

My first grow was successful from seed to curing. I used a small hydroponic grow box. The small size of the box limited the yield, however.