Low Stress Training & Defoliation Help Please


Hi there. I've been growing this HSO Bubba Kush seedling out for a couple months now. Today is day 60 from when I put them in the soil.

I've got some questions on LST.

This plant was topped at day 8, then topped again at day 18. It's been low stress trained after topping each time. I've moved it from a solo cup into a 2gallon smart pot. I've run out of room to pull the branches out from the center and now I'm circling the pot.

My question is this: Do I remove some of those interior leaves, or do I remove some of the interior branching?

I don't know how to caption the photos. The first two were taken two days ago. The second two are the plants at day 10-18? and day 30ish.

Photo Sep 18, 9 12 28 PM.jpgPhoto Sep 18, 9 11 52 PM.jpgPhoto Aug 12, 9 29 05 PM.jpgPhoto Aug 19, 6 32 50 PM.jpg


HSO Bubba Kush. Day 58, veg. In 50/50 Happy Frog/Perlite. 300W CFL 6500K. Feeding Canna Terra Vega & Cal Mag. RO Water.