Low RH during drying in closet space? Help!

Yo guys! Noob issue here. Drying my first grow in my small bedroom closet. Pretty proud of first crop thus far. Hanging individual branches from rack with clothespins. Temp is perfect (67-69 F), but from everything I've read, my rh is too low (25-30%). I don't want my first batch to dry out too fast and affect taste/potency. I have a small humidifier that I ran in grow room during vegging, should I run that run outside of the closet to get the rh up a little? Hang a wet shirt in the closet? Fill up my hydro reservoir w/ h20 underneath the branches? What ya'll think? Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Put it in a mason jars leave the lid on like covering the jar 1/2or 3/4 or more over the jar mouth. It will increase your drying time


Active Member
It sounds like there is too much airflow. If your first harvest is like mine was get yourself a box or tote and punch holes in the sides and run string through it and hang your buds inside so their not touching and close the lids, I left mine open a little because you dont want it too humid. 20% is kinda low, my humidity with my harvests today usually rides around 35-45% and it raises and lowers with sunrise and sunset. This works in my favor, it really comes out pure and very smooth.