Low PH

Hey guys,
I am using Flora series by General Hydroponics. My flowering plants are suffering from low PH I use bottled water with 6 PH Why am I having to constantly
use PH up? I use the 321 veg and the 123 flower formula. I also add seaweed and Thrive alive B1



Well-Known Member
mutes always lower PH.

my water here is 7.2..I use green planet nutes...when I add them the PH drops to 5.5 - 5.9...so always bring up...


Active Member
yah u always need more pH up. thats why general hydroponics makes it so weak. seen how strong the pH down is? NO JOKE!


Active Member
GH Flora has always been pretty balanced for me. I use Cal/Mg for my RO water, and it drops the PH to perfect ranges every time. Adding nutes and suppliments have never taken my water out of range in my soil grow. I dont ever PH my run off though.