low humidity


Well-Known Member
caught growing bug this summer,g.f. :ohelped me grow jalepenos,now im hooked.already made bunch of mistakes despite reading on here for hours.biggest of which was useing mir. grow,it burned baby burned.any way im just spectin to learn to problem solve and if i yield anything ill be happy.just bought temp/humidity gauge.temp is perfect 82.humidity less than 20% i live at altitude (4800) in desert,QUESTION is how do i raise and keep hum. @ proper level?PEACE :confused::confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
what are you growing in?...did you just toss a plant under some lights and run with it...you may need to make a controllable environment (tent or cab possibly), then you just have to tinker till you get your proper readings...and AIR2 ozone controller will automatically turn on and off your fan and de/humidifier to accomplish the targeted temp and RH

a raise in your RH is gonna mean a raise in your temp...your running at 82*F already so youre gonna be waaaaaay over 85F (the max temp you want) when adding some humidity so be prepared to get some exhaust lines going to keep the temp down

good luck


Well-Known Member
Try setting a wet towel in front of a fan. This will raise your humidity significantly. Try to get it near or above 40%.