
New Member
My dad grow a cannabis plant.

He grows it naturally.
No bulbs, no fertilizer.
Just natural.
I think he just want to impress me. We are not that close and i think this is his way. By the way, my dad is an "uppers" sad to say, and i think he's doing a grow just for me not to blame him, not to hate him. He don't need to, i love him what ever he is. because he is my dad. He struggle all his life for me .

So to continue about the plant.

I think he don't really know how to grow it so
Everytime I woke up, I sneak up to our rooftop to check it. secretly.

I first saw it at the month of March.
And now is July. It is really tall that makes me decide to already bend it.

Its almost 5 feet.
No cuttings, no cloning.

Some says you just need to know if it^s a female.

And yes I think it is. Cause its have a lot of white hairs.
But I dont see buddings .

No buds on the center of leaf.
And also I saw lots of red ants. And there is this orange like cocoon thing on the stems that is usually the red ants goes to.

I wonder, is it this lig for it to harvest because it is naturally grow by its environment?
Why there is no formation of buds?
Im not rushing.

I just want to finish it until harvest, because honestly i don't want a plant grows in our house.

Because when I was smoking outside with my friends and going home, everytime I saw my dad's plant it makes me PARaNOID. And the mystical effect of my last smoke disappear. And I hate it .


I just want to finish the grow, finish the nature experiment of the beautiful plant.
Its my dad^s so i dont want to waste his effort too.

Sorry for long stories. Thanks for replies.
Please guys help me
My dad grow a cannabis plant.

He grows it naturally.
No bulbs, no fertilizer.
Just natural.
I think he just want to impress me. We are not that close and i think this is his way. By the way, my dad is an "uppers" sad to say, and i think he's doing a grow just for me not to blame him, not to hate him. He don't need to, i love him what ever he is. because he is my dad. He struggle all his life for me .

So to continue about the plant.

I think he don't really know how to grow it so
Everytime I woke up, I sneak up to our rooftop to check it. secretly.

I first saw it at the month of March.
And now is July. It is really tall that makes me decide to already bend it.

Its almost 5 feet.
No cuttings, no cloning.

Some says you just need to know if it^s a female.

And yes I think it is. Cause its have a lot of white hairs.
But I dont see buddings .

No buds on the center of leaf.
And also I saw lots of red ants. And there is this orange like cocoon thing on the stems that is usually the red ants goes to.

I wonder, is it this lig for it to harvest because it is naturally grow by its environment?
Why there is no formation of buds?
Im not rushing.

I just want to finish it until harvest, because honestly i don't want a plant grows in our house.

Because when I was smoking outside with my friends and going home, everytime I saw my dad's plant it makes me PARaNOID. And the mystical effect of my last smoke disappear. And I hate it .


I just want to finish the grow, finish the nature experiment of the beautiful plant.
Its my dad^s so i dont want to waste his effort too.

Sorry for long stories. Thanks for replies.

Yeah. I always tell him how i feel. To my older brothers too everytime we do a little jam.

And the last time I had the chance to talk with my dad. He just laugh and said "don't worry, it's okay" and then he always tell this story of him when he was young and lost on a certain grasses looking for spiders and realized that he was on a middle of a farm and Big guy stood at him pointing a gun . Then he laugh again .

I think he still wants to finish the grow even after i told him that.

So the reason of my post is I want to gather information to ripe it urgently so that he can harvest it and I will ask him that 1 is enough. I want also to see the first craft though.