Lovely OG Kush - Need some advice on my grow


Well-Known Member

I have my first grow going in a tent. 11, 2 month old good looking OG Kush girls are prospering under 650 HPS light. I use General Organic line of nutes and they are vegging in 3 gallon pots.
I topped them early on and mostly have 4 main colas on each of them. About 2 weeks ago I did somewhat of a pruning (just cut odd leaves and branches that will never have a chance to make anything at the bottom). 5 days ago I super cropped 10 of them and LST one. They all recovering very well. Cropped tips are all stretching towards the light. In about a week, after they heal from HST I did, I am considering doing a full pruning with bamboo sticks to help my colas to support the prospective bud(s).

Now to the question… I want to do everything possible (but smart and gentle) to prevent the upward grow and have maximum yield that OG Kush can produce (about 1.5 oz. to 2 oz. each).
Considering everything I have done and my future plans of doings, is there any other technique or food addition that I can introduce to assure that my plants is at maximum production. Or maybe you see something in my plans or actions that I already did that my plants will not appreciate.

Please let me know. I am grateful for your input.