Love smokin, Hate the COUGH


Well-Known Member
Like most I spend a lot of time on the dry and cure, watching temps and humidity over 3ish weeks in an effort to have perfectly cured and supposedly smoother-smoking buds. Still I cough like a mother fucker and that pisses me off. So what else (other than curing slowly) can be done to make smoking smoother? I don't care for the vape, I want to smoke flowers out of a bowl or a joint, or bong.bongsmilie

Are some strains less cough-inducing, others more?

Do nutes, organic/chem, flushing, light spectrum or anything else contribute to the smoothness of a strain? Thanks y'all... :bigjoint:
Like most I spend a lot of time on the dry and cure, watching temps and humidity over 3ish weeks in an effort to have perfectly cured and supposedly smoother-smoking buds. Still I cough like a mother fucker and that pisses me off. So what else (other than curing slowly) can be done to make smoking smoother? I don't care for the vape, I want to smoke flowers out of a bowl or a joint, or bong.bongsmilie

Are some strains less cough-inducing, others more?

Do nutes, organic/chem, flushing, light spectrum or anything else contribute to the smoothness of a strain? Thanks y'all... :bigjoint:

I have allergies and my throat is really sensitive to smoke - bud that other people smoke with no problems can make my throat and sinus cavity feel like it's on fire. I can't/won't smoke fresh bud or any bud that hasn't been cured for less than 60 days, preferably 90 days.

A 3 week cure isn't even close to cutting it for me - Ive tried it on several occasions because that's the "standard" curing time and I like every other proud farmer want to reap my rewards as soon as possible but the difference between 3 weeks and 3 months is night and day I promise you.....the smoke goes in and out without any harshness whatsoever......much more enjoyable for people with coughing/allergy/throat issues.

Just slow dry your buds and once they're crisp yet sticky on the outside but you can still squeeze them and tell there's plenty of moisture on the inside, pop them into glass jars with boveda humidipaks. Humidipaks are essential in my opinion - not that you can't achieve a good cure without them but they just make it so damn easy and foolproof.

Here’s a guide on minimum Boveda and size:

*These recommendations are based on the assumption that the herbs are stored in a container with a good seal and vapor-barrier qualities. The tighter the seal, the more efficiently the Boveda will work.

And even though different fertilizers can stimulate different flavors/terpenes(different, not better necessarily) in your buds, as it relates to the smoothness of your final product, it's all about the cure............a nice long one.
Do nutes, organic/chem, flushing, light spectrum or anything else contribute to the smoothness of a strain?

I used Gen Hydro Flora 3-part nutrients. They're completely synthetic. I switched to Grow More Sea Grow which contains organic sources. Myself and friends felt we tasted a significant difference. (Smoother, richer.).

I've fed water only the last 10-14 days, and only the last feeding. I felt there were sharper/brighter flavors when I fed until the end. In some ways it tastes better. In other ways it's a little more cough-provoking.

I'm still on the fence about cutting nutes at the end. But, I think organic nutrients do taste better.

I haven't done TLO (total living organic) where you compost soil for 3 months, feed only water. I think just supplementing with blood & bone meals, fish emulsion, bat guano tea to reduce synthetic nutrients will produce a noticeable difference.

Going totally organic might be more noticeable. But, I don't think you have to go to that extent to get a noticeable difference. I also wouldn't recommend mix-and-match supplementing for new growers. I do it a little to supplement Grow More Sea Grow which already has a good portion of organic sources. I feel pretty good about "reading my plants" now.

For a new grower, using Grow More Sea Grow would be an easy win.