Lots of Research, Just a Few More Questions


Active Member
Hey guys first time poster, kinda first time grower. Short history: got some seeds, tried to grow, fucked it all up. Now after reading 3 books, watching tons of videos and reading a lot of posts, I feel I am actually ready to grow this time! Just got a few questions and I was looking for some feedback. I know there are a lot to this post but if you could answer any part it would be awesome! Thanks!

I have decided to go with this make up for my soil:
60% potting soil - Sterilized
15% perlite
10% building sand
5% premix- Looking to get something like 12-6-6

Questions: I was planning on mixing this in a big plastic container with a huge black trash bag inside of it. After mixing, can I wrap it up in the trash bag, close the lid and let it be? Dose this container need to be kept out of heat? I want to save the same soil mix for later in the process so I do not want it to become contaminated. Lastly, some say to mix water in with the soil while mixing it, good or bad? How much?

I know I want my water Ph to be between 6.3-6.9 and I can get this from Ph + or Ph - solutions. The question comes with the chlorine levels. Is simply letting the water sit out for 24 hours and evaporate the chlorine out or should I invest in some anti chlorine tablets? When it comes to soil Ph I understand I want it in the range of 6.3-7 and that my soil mixture is supposed to be very close to that. The question is, is testing the soil Ph a huge deal? Or is the water more important?

For germination I have a 2 foot T5 florescent light. I already own this so no real questions there. What I want to know is about what I plan on buying. I am going to go with HPS light. I only plan on growing about 5-6 plants at once so I took a trip down to the local Hydro store and asked for their opinions. The set me up with the lowest costing HPS system they could and it came out to $214 for the transformer, bulb and reflector. Now this is with a 10% discount if I buy it all at once. Good deal? And do you think that it will be good for 6 plants?

Thanks a lot for any comments or advice. I know that is a really long post but I did my research and just really want to do it right this time. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
lights, i just got a 250 hps kit with mh conversion bulb, reflector, etc. for 198 shipped from htgsupply. if you want to internet it. if not how many watts the system they are trying to sell you?


Active Member
Well I did all the math on cost per month in electricity, cost of unit and unlit lifespan, and I confirmed that I will stay with the HPS set up. Going to be the best light for my plants and in the long run, to get the same amount of lumens out of T5s or compacts, its going to be cheaper.