Loosing a patient


Well-Known Member
Its never easy, loosing someone you care about, even when you know they've gone to a better place.
Paul was my inspiration to grow. He was my uncle, and very close. Paul suffered a stroke 2 years ago, and soon developed Lupas Syndrome a short time after. Paul was an old school hippie, that never slowed down, went to both Woodstocks and its hard to tell which one he partied harder at, lol. A friend of several bands with big names I wont get into here, Paul lived a long strange lfe, with many adventures. But after his stroke, and complications from his Lupas, Paul just wanted to be comfortable. But Paul was on over 36 medications that had enough side affects that it made him miiserable. The only thing that relieved the severe side effects of his medication was marijuana. But the nasty mexishwag that goes around here was unfit for him to smoke or vape or consume, due to the risk of chemicals and additives interfering with his medication and even potentially worse, aggrevating any one of his many complications. So at great risk (this is not a medical state) I undertook the task of becoming a provider of medical grade mary jane for Paul to smoke. Well Paul was also a veteran, and soon I became a provider to some of his buddies from the VA... but anyways, today, at 4:05 pm Paul lost his fight with complications from an aneurysm that occurred last saturday. I held his hand untill the very end.
RIP Paul Francis Wilson aka "Willy" aka "Zandubla"
You will be missed forever by your favorite (and only) nephew. Go in peace old man.:peace: