Looks like overwatering, but cant be, w/ pics


Active Member
So to me this looks like overwatering, but the thing is, this plant drinks less than all my other plants. I dont water her near as often, and I always let it dry out completely before rewatering. Still, it looks like it's being overwatered and I have no idea what to do. I have given it nutes, tried flushing. Nothing works. What do you guys think this is?



Active Member
give us more details on your grow, how far into flower are you? the leaves will turn during flower but it looks a bit early to me.

good luck.


Well-Known Member
is there any chance you used soil with nutes allready in it then fed it more nutes in the watering?
looks like burn to me.
did you happen to foliar feed it before it went under the light?


Active Member
give us more details on your grow, how far into flower are you? the leaves will turn during flower but it looks a bit early to me.

good luck.
It's a little after week 6 on 12/12 from seed, this one should be done in about 3 weeks. It's definately not yellowing dying leaves, cause all the other plants are doing that. They are getting all shrivled at the ends of the leaves and brown and droopy, but it just cant be overwatering.

i think maybe to mch nutes
It might be, but I have had a nutrient burnt plant before and it turns yellow and crispy, this is like brown droopy and then crispingish.

is there any chance you used soil with nutes allready in it then fed it more nutes in the watering?
looks like burn to me.
did you happen to foliar feed it before it went under the light?
I used foxfarms oceans forest, and have been feeding nutes since week one. Only one out of 20 was nute burnt and I killed it. This plant has been taking nutes like a champ, and just started looking ill about a week to two weeks ago. So I dont think it's nute burn. And I never foilar fed any of my babies, only sprayed water sometimes if they looked dry.


Well-Known Member
thats a tough one. ive looked and it seems to be a micro nute defficiancy. have you had any luck in dealing with the issue . or have you fiugured out what it is?
I'm not trying to come on here and be a jerk, but I disagree with all of these posts. It looks to me like UNDERWATERING and a ph problem, causing a lockout. You said you let your plants dry out completely; its not advisable to let the plants dry until theyre as droopy as shown in those pics, you want to water JUST before it gets to that point. water sooner, and fix that ph problem using ph up or more preferably dolomite lime


Well-Known Member
It's a little after week 6 on 12/12 from seed, this one should be done in about 3 weeks. It's definately not yellowing dying leaves, cause all the other plants are doing that. They are getting all shrivled at the ends of the leaves and brown and droopy, but it just cant be overwatering.

It might be, but I have had a nutrient burnt plant before and it turns yellow and crispy, this is like brown droopy and then crispingish.

I used foxfarms oceans forest, and have been feeding nutes since week one. Only one out of 20 was nute burnt and I killed it. This plant has been taking nutes like a champ, and just started looking ill about a week to two weeks ago. So I dont think it's nute burn. And I never foilar fed any of my babies, only sprayed water sometimes if they looked dry.
well my first guess is its frying.. cal mag and phosphorus are the nutrients doing it ..so my guess the ph level or there is an access of phosphorus causing lockout....foxfarm has good drainage and water retention so over and under watering is harder. but you can check the bottom 1/4 inch to see if it feels slimmy...Fox Farm OF is packed with organic guanos that is why it is the best no ferts needed for 1.5 to 2 mounths then start with light organic teas and build up.
what are you feeding them


Well-Known Member
I have had the same problem with OF and am now changing my mix and adding Dolomite Lime. I also have learned that a little Diotimacious earth sprinkled on top of the soil prevents gnat larvea.

-help others before you help yourself-


New Member
Thats not lack of water or over watering thats nute lock out from the ph being off.
Have you checked the ph of your run off.
Also you need to back off of the nutes between the soil and what you have added you
have plenty for a while.