Looks like Maher is a greedy A--hole.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow slammed Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan as “a document that says the big problems in America right now are that rich people do not have enough money. They need relief from confiscatory tax rates. And poor people have too much access to affordable health care.”

But the liberal Maher disagreed.

"You know what?” Maher responded, “Rich people … actually do pay the freight in this country."

"I just saw these statistics. I mean, something like 70 percent. And here in California, I just want to say liberals — you could actually lose me. It's outrageous what we're paying — over 50 percent. I'm willing to pay my share, but yeah, it's ridiculous."

In 2010 Maher had a different outlook when writing on The Huffington Post, “I've done some math that indicates that, considering the hole this country is in, if you are earning more than a million dollars a year and are complaining about a 3.6% tax increase, then you are by definition a greedy a--hole.”


Proof positive that the lefties only care about taxes when it hits their pockets.

Why should anyone be surprise these "elitists" are fucking assholes - both conservative or liberal? They are good about telling us how we should spend OUR money, but God forbid they gotta pay their fair share. Over 50%? Fuck Maher and fuck all those douche-bags... Their take home pay is adjusted for the high taxes, but they are just greedy fucks. He probably needs the extra $75 million for the new Gulfstream 650 that's coming out soon.

These fucktards are nothing that a .50 BMG couldn't fix.
His 2010 comment was in reference to federal taxes, his latest comment was about the high tax rate in California in CONJUNCTION with federal taxes.
He just got another hefty tax increase this year I bet he is tickled pink. Maher has made many comments the last couple of years hinting the liberals are peering too far down the rabbit hole. I bet celebrity support for the democratic party will by much lower in 2016.
His comment was made on March 15, 2013, NOT 2010.

Apparently you don't read what you post....

In 2010 Maher had a different outlook when writing on The Huffington Post, “I've done some math that indicates that, considering the hole this country is in, if you are earning more than a million dollars a year and are complaining about a 3.6% tax increase, then you are by definition a greedy a--hole.”
As usual you miss the fucking point. How's that Romney landslide coming along?

What point are you referring to? Are you trying to say somehow he hasn't made a complete 180 on his opinion of taxing the rich more? Troll fail, I never said Romney would win in a landslide, I think you should stick with the spirituality section cupcake.
What point are you referring to? Are you trying to say somehow he hasn't made a complete 180 on his opinion of taxing the rich more? Troll fail, I never said Romney would win in a landslide, I think you should stick with the spirituality section cupcake.

What's Romneys effective tax rate?
What point are you referring to? Are you trying to say somehow he hasn't made a complete 180 on his opinion of taxing the rich more? Troll fail, I never said Romney would win in a landslide, I think you should stick with the spirituality section cupcake.

His 2010 comment was in reference to federal taxes, his latest comment was about the high tax rate in California in CONJUNCTION with federal taxes.

I'll just keep posting FlyLikeAnEagle's comment until it sinks in or you die from stupidity. Whichever comes first. By the way, how's that Romney landslide coming along?
When Joe Biden was first running for vice president, his tax returns showed that he had given away just $3,690 to charity over the previous ten years (about 0.2 percent of his income). Or $1.01 a day for the past ten years.

If the Catholic religion got serious they would excommunicate him for his belief on abortion. So much for Biden.