Looking to Buy a Grow Tent kit


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

I have been reading up on the forums for the past 3 months now. This is my first post tho. I am super psyched to grow my own stash but heres the thing. weed is extremely illegal where i live (4 years minimum sentence for 0.01 grams). So as you would expect there are no hydro stores to get mylar, HPS/MH lights, tent, carbon filter, a GOOD extractor fan, ballasts etc. I've done tons of research both online and in my local environment to make everything cost effective and more importantly, safe. That last bit is the reason why I decided to post now instead of when i start my first grow as a lot of people do. can anyone point me in the direction of a hydro website that ships internationally and is not a scam. I have found (not through personal experience) that hg-hydroponics.com and hydroponics.eu are scams. I would also be willing to pay anyone here who is confident in their skills to build me a tent. post here or PM me if that interests you. I know the correct spot for this post is in the classifieds section but the website wont let me access it. Ive saved up quite a bit these past few months and i think i can afford to pay for everything including shipping (thats going to be a big one). I'm going to board a flight in a few hours and im going to be without internet for a couple days. But i promise to check back as soon as im back. I look forward to posting a lot more on the forum and hopefully having a grow journal going soon.


not sure about advising sites as Ive only had things shipped US (many internationally) but if they review well and are popular you can probably trust them to ship to you. Unless you are dead set on hydro and/or hydro stores you can get most of your supplies from companies having little to nothing to do with "hydro" I think my coco and perhaps the light came from actual hydro shops online the rest from various sources. With penalties like that I would suggest buying from as many sources 1 or 2 items at a time to no arrouse suspicion... again just going on assumptions with 4 years for shake and not knowing which country. I know shipping costs add up, but so does jail time. Overall go to a reputable site with lots of feedback and they arent gonna shit on you and buying any single item isnt illegal or any reason to stop a shipment... a tent one place... a fan somewhere else, your light as a single purchase, medium somewhere else... and its about a month late but if you order around christmas from a buncha different places it just looks like anyone elses christmas shopping. Without knowing your exact location no one can say yes "THIS" company will ship to you... just use common sense and if you spread it out much less chance of losing much... try amazon for some stuff as they ship everywhere. sorry to ramble and hope I helped somehow.


Active Member
Hey bro

I have used the link below for fast service, they have shops all over the world. Deliver too


I bought my tent from ebay...here is the one I have it's currently for sale...

GRN Elements 78" x 48" x 48" | 6.5' x 4' x 4' 600D Mylar Non-Toxic Grow Tent


Be safe bro, rather be free then high
I was just looking at this same tent. Do you like it? Any cons? I heard some of them have 3 velcro walls for adding more tents and suffer from light leak. Any feedback?