looking for some compassion in la


Well-Known Member
so recently laid off from a job. I have no money and find myself struggling with the day to day activities since i havent been able to afford the medicine from the stores. I am looking for a way to either a work off a sack or for information as to where i could find some real COMPASSION in the los angeles area. If anyone knows or has any ideas for me let me know.


Active Member
so recently laid off from a job. I have no money and find myself struggling with the day to day activities since i havent been able to afford the medicine from the stores. I am looking for a way to either a work off a sack or for information as to where i could find some real COMPASSION in the los angeles area. If anyone knows or has any ideas for me let me know.
I typed this huge message back to you and then somehow deleted it. fml

Bottom line, I'd be happy to give you some of mine but it's a HUGE risk and i don't wanna go to jail. I can grow this shit all day, and buy it from or sell it to dispensaries. But if I give you a joint I could get ass-raped for the next 5 years. Sucks.


Well-Known Member
I have read the law once or twice and I'm no lawyer, but if you really wanted to give me some you could as long as you preverified my patient info threw my doctor, which i would be happy to let you do...then its all legit, just like a gift. At least that's my understanding..Or i could donate my time to you in exchange for a donation of cannabis..I have many talents.

P.S. I had to stay down in la for the weekend of the 4th just got back up to water my crop today they were looking sad to say the least 4 days without water. They came back over night and are looking much much better, and the clone army is starting as well!!

chemo, pm me.