Looking for some advice


Hello all,

i recently popped a seed (1.5 weeks ago) i used some sowing soil i got, it says it has enough food for the plants first 3 weeks, how can i tell exactly when it runs out, can i just start feeding it sooner, not really sure how its doing atm, it doesnt seem to be growing higher now just new leaves coming

grow 005.jpggrow 007.jpg

Im growing in a small box that around 80 cm high by 30 cm depth and width, im useing 4 13 w 6500k CFL's, i have 4 more 23 w 6500k cfs coming along with 4 y splitters. this is my first grow, any advice would be great!



Well-Known Member
Nice little plant, It's not getting taller because it's busy growing roots, it'll take off shortly.

I start giving 1/4 strength nutes around two weeks, but many will say you'll burn them up. I've never had a problem though. Not saying it's what you should do, but what I do.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I would wait the three weeks before I added anything looks to me like it would burn with some more nutes.


Well-Known Member
strains vary but typicaly by the time they are growing their 5th node they are ready for light nutes


thanks, the strain is called ultimate, i dont expect to get much off it just want the experience before i go out and spend loads on equipment altho ive spent about £150 so far excluding food, can you advise any that i could purchase, obv i wont need massive bottles since its only 1 plant?


Well-Known Member
Nice little plant, It's not getting taller because it's busy growing roots, it'll take off shortly.

I start giving 1/4 strength nutes around two weeks, but many will say you'll burn them up. I've never had a problem though. Not saying it's what you should do, but what I do.
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Active Member
looks good to me for 1,5 week, don't know if the twisted growth is ph or too much nutes in your soil related. Someone more experienced should know this, i don't! Maybe is nothing...