Looking for scientific insight into Mold


Well-Known Member
Im not really sure in what forum to post, but since im interested in what happens to it when cooking it, i though this might be a good place to start.
I noticed under the microscope that there's mold (very little) on some parts of some bud's. When looking into the matter there is almost nothing to find but a lot of "just toss it" what is what im leaning to BUT also some say "its fine for some stuff as long as you dont smoke it".
Ive seen a vid where they analysed commercial cannabis for mold after some cancer patients got an infection from it. They found that 100% of the tested weed contains mold even though they didnt say to wich extend. they also said that it's not dangerous for normal healty ppl. but only for ppl. with a bad immun system.
But now i wonder:
has no one every checked for what types of mold grow on cannabis and what potential toxins they produce and specifficaly at what temps they get harmless?
are there just to many kinds of mold (im talking about the white fuzzy stuff not bud rot or mildew) to safely say what kind it may be and its harmfullnes ?
just to make it clear im not intending to use weed where mold might be visible to the naked eye but only with a microscope. guess if you havent checked your weed under the microscope you cant be sure there's no mold and even then you might be lucky and just not see it. The problem here is that i have seen it and now i would like to know more, but all i can find is some dudes saying stuff without reference, wich is why i tend to the 'toss it' idea.
Im not really sure in what forum to post, but since im interested in what happens to it when cooking it, i though this might be a good place to start.
I noticed under the microscope that there's mold (very little) on some parts of some bud's. When looking into the matter there is almost nothing to find but a lot of "just toss it" what is what im leaning to BUT also some say "its fine for some stuff as long as you dont smoke it".
Ive seen a vid where they analysed commercial cannabis for mold after some cancer patients got an infection from it. They found that 100% of the tested weed contains mold even though they didnt say to wich extend. they also said that it's not dangerous for normal healty ppl. but only for ppl. with a bad immun system.
But now i wonder:
has no one every checked for what types of mold grow on cannabis and what potential toxins they produce and specifficaly at what temps they get harmless?
are there just to many kinds of mold (im talking about the white fuzzy stuff not bud rot or mildew) to safely say what kind it may be and its harmfullnes ?
just to make it clear im not intending to use weed where mold might be visible to the naked eye but only with a microscope. guess if you havent checked your weed under the microscope you cant be sure there's no mold and even then you might be lucky and just not see it. The problem here is that i have seen it and now i would like to know more, but all i can find is some dudes saying stuff without reference, wich is why i tend to the 'toss it' idea.
Once you know how to find it, microscope not needed. Wouldnt want to smoke if l knew. I live in high rh zone so pm and budrot are very common. If temps helped incinerating wouldnt be bad but dont believe thats the case.
Im not really sure in what forum to post, but since im interested in what happens to it when cooking it, i though this might be a good place to start.
I noticed under the microscope that there's mold (very little) on some parts of some bud's. When looking into the matter there is almost nothing to find but a lot of "just toss it" what is what im leaning to BUT also some say "its fine for some stuff as long as you dont smoke it".
Ive seen a vid where they analysed commercial cannabis for mold after some cancer patients got an infection from it. They found that 100% of the tested weed contains mold even though they didnt say to wich extend. they also said that it's not dangerous for normal healty ppl. but only for ppl. with a bad immun system.
But now i wonder:
has no one every checked for what types of mold grow on cannabis and what potential toxins they produce and specifficaly at what temps they get harmless?
are there just to many kinds of mold (im talking about the white fuzzy stuff not bud rot or mildew) to safely say what kind it may be and its harmfullnes ?
just to make it clear im not intending to use weed where mold might be visible to the naked eye but only with a microscope. guess if you havent checked your weed under the microscope you cant be sure there's no mold and even then you might be lucky and just not see it. The problem here is that i have seen it and now i would like to know more, but all i can find is some dudes saying stuff without reference, wich is why i tend to the 'toss it' idea.
Some molds are very toxic. Directly forcing such toxins into the lungs can cause insidious lasting damage. I rate smoking moldy weed as riskier than a cigarette habit.

Once you know how to find it, microscope not needed. Wouldnt want to smoke if l knew. I live in high rh zone so pm and budrot are very common. If temps helped incinerating wouldnt be bad but dont believe thats the case.
well i can ensure you the microscope is needed as the mold infections seems to be so early that is doesnt really show. but im sure you know these white thread . and if i can see it under the microscope even ther might be only 5 or so to see of them but 100% mold since there are no threads normaly growing from trychome to trychome :D
well i can ensure you the microscope is needed as the mold infections seems to be so early that is doesnt really show. but im sure you know these white thread . and if i can see it under the microscope even ther might be only 5 or so to see of them but 100% mold since there are no threads normaly growing from trychome to trychome :D
Agree, but after dealing with mold for many grows it does have a pattern. Eyes arent what they were so now have 60x 120x microscope for this reason. Most molds start with white fuzz, then change as they grow. Maybe l was just lucky finding it. But wasnt a one off type thing.
Make canna/oil/butter out of it.. Heat kills mold..

After doing more research, No I'm not so sure now.. Maybe bubble hash made into oil/butter?
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yes heat kill mold, but does it also render all its toxins unharmful ? maybe i should try to find some mold expert on reddit :D
After doing more research, No I'm not so sure now.. Maybe bubble hash made into oil/butter?
Im not really sure in what forum to post, but since im interested in what happens to it when cooking it, i though this might be a good place to start.
I noticed under the microscope that there's mold (very little) on some parts of some bud's. When looking into the matter there is almost nothing to find but a lot of "just toss it" what is what im leaning to BUT also some say "its fine for some stuff as long as you dont smoke it".
Ive seen a vid where they analysed commercial cannabis for mold after some cancer patients got an infection from it. They found that 100% of the tested weed contains mold even though they didnt say to wich extend. they also said that it's not dangerous for normal healty ppl. but only for ppl. with a bad immun system.
But now i wonder:
has no one every checked for what types of mold grow on cannabis and what potential toxins they produce and specifficaly at what temps they get harmless?
are there just to many kinds of mold (im talking about the white fuzzy stuff not bud rot or mildew) to safely say what kind it may be and its harmfullnes ?
just to make it clear im not intending to use weed where mold might be visible to the naked eye but only with a microscope. guess if you havent checked your weed under the microscope you cant be sure there's no mold and even then you might be lucky and just not see it. The problem here is that i have seen it and now i would like to know more, but all i can find is some dudes saying stuff without reference, wich is why i tend to the 'toss it' idea.
I've seen , what l think is close to the beginnings of PM with my scope......what I noticed initially were the "pock" marks ( like fox holes)forming in the mycellium, no visible sign of mold at 200X. PM wields a hook" that pierces mycellium. Not good. Most fungicides are preventatives that "control" the outbreak "Banish fungiide"actually kills PM. Can even use when flowering*. I only used once recently on my current crop of sativas.......plants were about 6wks old when PM was contracted. Sprayed each plant only twice within 1 wk.........PM gone
I've seen , what l think is close to the beginnings of PM with my scope......what I noticed initially were the "pock" marks ( like fox holes)forming in the mycellium, no visible sign of mold at 200X. PM wields a hook" that pierces mycellium. Not good. Most fungicides are preventatives that "control" the outbreak "Banish fungiide"actually kills PM. Can even use when flowering*. I only used once recently on my current crop of sativas.......plants were about 6wks old when PM was contracted. Sprayed each plant only twice within 1 wk.........PM gone
yes but my mykorrhiza happens to be a fungi too :D
Make canna/oil/butter out of it.. Heat kills mold..

After doing more research, No I'm not so sure now.. Maybe bubble hash made into oil/butter?
That heat will not kill mold's spores. I usually consider it safe to eat in edibles but I'd never smoke it. However if you're immunocompromised you shouldn't eat it either. It is safest to throw away.
That heat will not kill mold's spores. I usually consider it safe to eat in edibles but I'd never smoke it. However if you're immunocompromised you shouldn't eat it either. It is safest to throw away.
well you're right that you wont drop dead right away from eating it but the mycotoxins produced by mold can be carinogenic ... and yes, i guess we all smoke so ...
well you're right that you wont drop dead right away from eating it but the mycotoxins produced by mold can be carinogenic ... and yes, i guess we all smoke so ...
Ok here is the thing ... my plants got mold or but rot or whatever, that white fuzzy stuff.
as soon as i saw it i cut down the moldy plants... fast forward ... i dried the rest and it looks fine to the naked eye ... however my paranoid ass put it under a microscope and i was abled to find (with a lot of searching tho) some mold spots like a bunch of these spider web like threads (not much like 5-10 threads max) ... however its so few that even if you know it where it is you cant see it with the naked eye ...
so first things first ... no i wont smoke it even thou i probably smoked mold since i never really put something before under a microscope.
if i would make butter from it, is it still dangerous ?
I read that mold can, if your lucky and get the wong strain of mold, cause a lung infection but i guess thats more for the smoking part.
I also read that heat "deactivates the mold" but i wonder is only the living organism bad ? or maybe metabolites of that organism and will they still be active after decarboxylation and cooking for butter for eg. (as in "mold dead but still deadly").

Im afraid tossing it is the only really safe solution -.- hopefully im wrong...

Read my last sentence, thanks!

That heat will not kill mold's spores. I usually consider it safe to eat in edibles but I'd never smoke it. However if you're immunocompromised you shouldn't eat it either. It is safest to throw away.

I agree that I wouldn't eat it but many do. Essentially you know your poison by its' dose. Here's an interesting article you might enjoy:
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Mold will turn you into a pile of bones! I dont want to smoke or eat it! Its a composter! Dont eat the compost l tell the kids, but do they listen?
the big question is how toxic is it ... is it as bad as smoking a cigarett ? maybe they get destroyed when processed ... i just dont understand how no one knows anything about the science behind it ... its like mold is not a big thing and no one really cares. maybe its one of that situation where the less you know the better :D
the big question is how toxic is it ... is it as bad as smoking a cigarett ? maybe they get destroyed when processed ... i just dont understand how no one knows anything about the science behind it ... its like mold is not a big thing and no one really cares. maybe its one of that situation where the less you know the better :D
Do you want a composter in lungs? Not a chance, wont smoke pm weed either. Is mold too! Any is too much. Turn your lungs to mush!