Looking for nutrients recipe help


Active Member
Just built a recirculating deep water culture system and I'm looking for the best nutrient recipies to get the most out of this system
Simple grow and bloom nutrients is all you need as far as food for the plants go. If you run a sterile system do not add anything that is organic. When I'm running dwc all I use is either Ionic Grow / Ionic Bloom or as is atm Canna Aqua Vega and either Zone or Pythoff to keep everything sterile.
Take the money that you would be feeding to the local hydro store on 10 million additives and buy a chiller and keep the change in your own pocket. Years ago people used simple nutrients for growing tomatoe's and grew fantastic plants.
Why would you need a water chiller?
Sounds like you need to read up some more about hydro. You need to keep the rez temps around 65 to 68 anything higher and your oxygen levels will drop which might cause root rot and anything lower your plant will not grow as well. I wouldn't recommend a chiller for a small bucket since they are expensive i would recommend an ice probe with thermostat. An ice probe has no moving parts, last 50,000+ hours and its simple to install. Afters its all installed you set it and forget it.
I am doing DWC. Bubble buckets. As long as it doesn't get too hot, all is good.
What nutes is a hard q to answer...
I use Canna, and the canna recipe. It works well. Not really cheap though.
Sounds like you need to read up some more about hydro. You need to keep the rez temps around 65 to 68 anything higher and your oxygen levels will drop which might cause root rot and anything lower your plant will not grow as well. I wouldn't recommend a chiller for a small bucket since they are expensive i would recommend an ice probe with thermostat. An ice probe has no moving parts, last 50,000+ hours and its simple to install. Afters its all installed you set it and forget it.

My temps are right around there any way, the pump is not in the water
What is the canna recipe? I am currently using advanced
This is what I use. I use it as shown too.
Beware a couple of those are fairly costly, the ryzotonic and boost are, with the boost perhaps the most expensive fert in the store.
But it grows the dank.


This is what I use in flower. As per the recipe...

This is my bubbas today, 29 days at 12/12(1 kush(the dark green one in the back) and 2 big bads):
You could also make your own, that way you know your plants are getting everything they need. You also know top quality compounds are in your mix. Most if not all nute companies use cheap compounds in their ingredients and also lack nutrients especially micronutes such as iron and magnesium. This is why you need to use additives such as cal-mag to cover for elements missing from your grow. Another sign of cheap nutes is when you see a layer of condensate form at the bottom of your bottles or if your ph swings wildly. Diy nutes are also very cheap, you can make a lifetime worth for $80 bucks or a gallon for pennies. Just mix and pour
1 plus on the Cal Mag and or Epson salts. I believe too much Chlorine in water locks out Magnesium and Calicum and something else can't remember atm. But also too much Calicum will lock out Magnesium. Correct me if am wrong. :eyesmoke:

So for all of you that use straight hose water direct to res.

Think again lol
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You could also make your own, that way you know your plants are getting everything they need. You also know top quality compounds are in your mix. Most if not all nute companies use cheap compounds in their ingredients and also lack nutrients especially micronutes such as iron and magnesium. This is why you need to use additives such as cal-mag to cover for elements missing from your grow. Another sign of cheap nutes is when you see a layer of condensate form at the bottom of your bottles or if your ph swings wildly. Diy nutes are also very cheap, you can make a lifetime worth for $80 bucks or a gallon for pennies. Just mix and pour

Any recipes or advice for making my own mutes?
Any recipes or advice for making my own mutes?

......If youre thinking about mixing your own here is a basic break down with some helpful information.

The ingredients listed below are called "salts", if you look on your commercial brand nutes they all basically use the same stuff. Some might call for nitric acid or other compounds not listed but its basically the same elements your plants use. Commercial brands also tend to use the minimum amount or use a recipe for a broad range of plants. Marijuana has its own needs and those needs are usually extra iron, magnesium, and calcium. Most nute companies fall short of what mj needs for a healthy growth and flower. This is why you must purchase additives such as calmag and ph adjusters if you want a healthy crop. This is where making your own comes in handy. You can add extra iron or magnesium and not ever have to worry about calcium or magnesium deficiencies. No more worries. Even the ph is stable at 6.

List of ingredients you will need; "I bought all this stuff on amazon and ebay, everything is legal, safe, and legit."

Calcium Nitrate
Potassium Nitrate
Iron Chelate "dtpa @10 or 11 %"
MonoPotassium Phosphate
Magnesium sulfate aka "epson salt"
Manganese sulfate
Boric Acid aka "sodium borate" and some other names. Common roach poison
Zinc Sulfate
Copper sulfate
Ammonium Molybdate

Instructions= For grow and bloom recipe you will need two one gallon milk jugs for each the grow and bloom recipe/concentrate. Each one gallon milk jug will be filled half way with warm distilled water. The recipe below is in ounces. You will need a small scale that can handle .002 of an ounce and a large scale that can handle 20+ ounces.

Grow; amounts below are in ounces per half gallon.

Part A.
1. Calcium Nitrate= 19.791
2. Potassium Nitrate= 6.941 These three combined ingredients will make part A
3. Iron Chelate= 1.526

Part B.

1. MonoPotassium Phosphate= 4.636
2. Magnesium sulfate= 9.48
3. Manganese sulfate= .082
4. Boric Acid= .118 These eight will make your part B concentrate
5. Zinc Sulfate= .02
6. Copper sulfate= ..005
7. Ammonium Molybdate= .003

"Bloom" recipe in ounces

Part A. 1. Calcium Nitrate=18.008
2. Potassium Nitrate= 6.773
3. Iron Chelate= 1.562

Part B.
2. MonoPotassium phosphate=4.323
3. Magnesium sulfate= 9.48
4. Manganese sulfate= .082
5. Boric Acid= .118
6. Zinc Sulfate= .02
7. Copper sulfate= .005
8. Ammonium Molybdate= .003

When youre ready to feed your plants mix equal amounts from each solution, example= For one gallon of nutrients you would use 8ml from part A concentrate and 8ml from part B concentrate. After you have added your part A and Part B to the gallon shake your container to mix it well then test it with a ppm meter. If it needs more simply add a few ml from each part until you hit your desired ppm level.

Extra information not pertaining to the above formula.

Hydroponic Nutrient Mixes and Requirements

Many hydroponic formulas have been developed over the past 40 years with some designed for specific plants while others are designed for general hydroponic gardening systems. For plant growth, the concentration of individual elements must stay within a certain ranges that have been determined through scientific experimentation.

The average concentration of these elements should fall within these parameters;

Nitrogen "nitrate form" 70-300 ppm
Nitrogen "ammonium form" 0-30 ppm
Potassium 200-400 ppm
Phosphorous 30-90 ppm
Calcium 150-400 ppm
Sulfur 60-330 ppm
Magnesium 25-75 ppm
Iron .5 - 5.0 ppm
Boron .1 - 1.0 ppm
Manganese .1 -1.0 ppm
Zinc .02 - .2 ppm
Molybdenum .01 - .1 ppm
Copper .02 - .2 ppm............
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Here is the nutrient profile for the above recipes


Nitrogen N = 250
Phosphorus P = 80
Potassium K = 300
Magnesium Mg = 70 = increase this will increase sulfur amount
Calcium Ca= 250
Sulfur S= 93
Iron Fe= 8
Manganese Mn= 2
Boron B = 1
Zinc Zn= .5
Copper Cu= .1
Molbdnum Mo= .09


Nitrogen N = 200
Potassium K = 300
Phosphorus P= 60
Magnesium Mg = 70 Inrease this element will increase your sulfur
Calcium Ca= 250
Sulfur S= 93
Iron Fe= 8
Manganese Mn= 2
Boron B = 1
Zinc Zn= .5
Copper Cu= .1
Molbdnum Mo= .09
......If youre thinking about mixing your own here is a basic break down with some helpful information.

The ingredients listed below are called "salts", if you look on your commercial brand nutes they all basically use the same stuff. Some might call for nitric acid or other compounds not listed but its basically the same elements your plants use. Commercial brands also tend to use the minimum amount or use a recipe for a broad range of plants. Marijuana has its own needs and those needs are usually extra iron, magnesium, and calcium. Most nute companies fall short of what mj needs for a healthy growth and flower. This is why you must purchase additives such as calmag and ph adjusters if you want a healthy crop. This is where making your own comes in handy. You can add extra iron or magnesium and not ever have to worry about calcium or magnesium deficiencies. No more worries. Even the ph is stable at 6.

List of ingredients you will need; "I bought all this stuff on amazon and ebay, everything is legal, safe, and legit."

Calcium Nitrate
Potassium Nitrate
Iron Chelate "dtpa @10 or 11 %"
MonoPotassium Phosphate
Magnesium sulfate aka "epson salt"
Manganese sulfate
Boric Acid aka "sodium borate" and some other names. Common roach poison
Zinc Sulfate
Copper sulfate
Ammonium Molybdate

Instructions= For grow and bloom recipe you will need two one gallon milk jugs for each the grow and bloom recipe/concentrate. Each one gallon milk jug will be filled half way with warm distilled water. The recipe below is in ounces. You will need a small scale that can handle .002 of an ounce and a large scale that can handle 20+ ounces.

Grow; amounts below are in ounces per half gallon.

Part A.
1. Calcium Nitrate= 19.791
2. Potassium Nitrate= 6.941 These three combined ingredients will make part A
3. Iron Chelate= 1.526

Part B.

1. MonoPotassium Phosphate= 4.636
2. Magnesium sulfate= 9.48
3. Manganese sulfate= .082
4. Boric Acid= .118 These eight will make your part B concentrate
5. Zinc Sulfate= .02
6. Copper sulfate= ..005
7. Ammonium Molybdate= .003

"Bloom" recipe in ounces

Part A. 1. Calcium Nitrate=18.008
2. Potassium Nitrate= 6.773
3. Iron Chelate= 1.562

Part B.
2. MonoPotassium phosphate=4.323
3. Magnesium sulfate= 9.48
4. Manganese sulfate= .082
5. Boric Acid= .118
6. Zinc Sulfate= .02
7. Copper sulfate= .005
8. Ammonium Molybdate= .003

When youre ready to feed your plants mix equal amounts from each solution, example= For one gallon of nutrients you would use 8ml from part A concentrate and 8ml from part B concentrate. After you have added your part A and Part B to the gallon shake your container to mix it well then test it with a ppm meter. If it needs more simply add a few ml from each part until you hit your desired ppm level.

Extra information not pertaining to the above formula.

Hydroponic Nutrient Mixes and Requirements

Many hydroponic formulas have been developed over the past 40 years with some designed for specific plants while others are designed for general hydroponic gardening systems. For plant growth, the concentration of individual elements must stay within a certain ranges that have been determined through scientific experimentation.

The average concentration of these elements should fall within these parameters;

Nitrogen "nitrate form" 70-300 ppm
Nitrogen "ammonium form" 0-30 ppm
Potassium 200-400 ppm
Phosphorous 30-90 ppm
Calcium 150-400 ppm
Sulfur 60-330 ppm
Magnesium 25-75 ppm
Iron .5 - 5.0 ppm
Boron .1 - 1.0 ppm
Manganese .1 -1.0 ppm
Zinc .02 - .2 ppm
Molybdenum .01 - .1 ppm
Copper .02 - .2 ppm............

I've been researching how to make my own additives and i'm now delving into making my own nutes. Thanks for this tip, i'm also wondering... How did you figure all this out?
I've been researching how to make my own additives and i'm now delving into making my own nutes. Thanks for this tip, i'm also wondering... How did you figure all this out?
Had a lot of help from a lot of educated people. What was also very helpful was a program called "hydrobuddy". This program did all the calculations, its available online for free. It used to contain all the nutrient recipes from just about all the commercial brands but Not anymore
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