Looking for doctors in EO


First off i will introduce myself. My name is Bud and Ive been born and raised in EO, mainly columbia basin area. For about 3 years i have been dealing with severe nausea atleast 3 to 4 times a week. Mainly in the mornings when I awake and sometimes this is accompanied by occasional vomiting. I have had several doctors visits pertaining to this issue but my current doctor will not sign off for my ommp card as I refuse any rx that she has written as most anti nausea medication makes me drowsy and cloud up my mind which makes me unable to fully function at work. I have been self medicating. For almost a year and a half now and have to get my meds via the black market route and being in eastern oregon it is hard to find an md that will sign off for my ommp card. I have looked into the MAMA clinics but would like to find an local md that will sign off as to try and save myself the $200 visit to the dalles. Any information is greatly appreciated. thanks in advance
Depends where in EO you are, but in ontario and la grande there are (at least) monthly doctor days w/ Eastern Oregon Wellness Center. However, you'll still have to pay the doctor fee (I want to say $150), and the usual oregon card fees. There are not many doctors who see non cannabis patients that recommend the green as it takes away almost every other source of revenue (grants, fed government rig-amoral, etc.) it's the reason that very few doctors in oregon account for a large number of patients. These doctors end up having to travel all over the bloody state. Mind you, apparently it pays pretty darn well, but really, I wouldn't want to do it...

Good luck!
May I ask why you would not want to do it? I mainly just want to grow for myself without johnny law butting into my business. I also did see that new approach oregon got approved for thw ballot but after reading it I dont think it will be good for small operations because you will regulated by the state on who can grow where they can grow and how much they can grow. It states that for personal use you can have up to 4 mature plants but also have to have a license from the state to grow. Also with this initiative ommp stays the same but just gives patients a larger access to dispensaries but will also tax those same patients
Eh, I hate traveling (well, and people... but that's a whole other kettle of fish ;) ) So any job that has me driving to criss-cross the state would be a nonstarter. I traveled a lot via air for business once upon a time, that was bad enough ;)

And true, NA O isn't perfect, but the bills that get passed seldom are, it's just a better place to start from than nowhere ;) I'd assume the growing license would be about the same cost, not counting doctors fees, as the medical program, but that would be for the state government to figure out, might turn out they're greedier than I expect...
the law if it passes states each house hold can have 4 mature plants. Says nothing about having a license unless you are wanting to grow on a commercial scale and sell to the sate stores. There is a doctor in hermiston Dr Flaiz who does OMMP Recommendations.
Edit: you're right, the final version of the initiative that got enough signatures states 4 plants PER HOUSE, not per adult (narf, I wanted 8 plants without having to pay the medical fees, guess no such luck this time around.)