Looking for best strain 250HPS


Well-Known Member
Growing in a 3x3x5 space and i'm looking to buy seeds like right now got my CC out...I have severe neropathic pain (nerve pain) Looking for a good pain killing strain but dont wanna be couch locked gotta do shit during the day....Also i might wanna sell some here and there to my friends so i'm looking for a name strain that people would know....____ Kush,____ Widow, Purple ___...Can anyone give me a recommendation on a strain...ASAP would be awsome...Got my workers comp settlement and that shit is burning a hole in my pocket!!!


Well-Known Member
well why dont you buy a few different types an find out whats best for you:-P
cant go wrong with a few really good strains


Well-Known Member
True but i kinda wanted to see what people said??? Mainly i wanna grow beacuse i'm sick of pain meds....They nock me the fuck out and i'm on such strong stuff i don't wanna go through withdrawl....


Well-Known Member
u might wana go with an indica plant if you have a small grow space..
but that dutch plant is high in thc it might be a smoke it and dont wana do nythin for the rest of the day type plant:olol looks nice though


Well-Known Member
oh yea i also use 250 hps they rock:-P
good 4 me this time of year i can have my plants real close to the light lol its so cold


Well-Known Member
I don't think you'll find anything to relieve your pain without knocking you out. I am in the same boat and broke my back in several places, crushed vertibrae and collapsed disks... So far nothing is enough as far as weed goes but it's better than nothing.

I am just living with the pain. I was on oxy, heavy levels, and had to go through the withdraws cold turkey after 6 mo of use because it was just dragging me down and the pain doc was more like a dealer than a doctor he MADE me take it all the time and tested me etc etc. Thaf fuck wanted me addicted.

I haven't tried even a fraction of the new stuff out though, so I'm watching this thread and hoping I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i was on 100 mics of fentenyl every 2 days with 10/325 pecs....Fuck that shit!!! I'm now looking for a autoflowering kush....Now with a autoflowering strain the yeild isn't as much as a normal strain???


Well-Known Member
Oregon have you ever tried buckets,waterfalls or lungs?


Wouldn't that just get me super high faster? I mean if I puff my little bong until I'm so stoned I forget to keep puffing my way would just take more hits right?

The problem is the poster has severe pain like mine, and nothing I have tried really numbs that kind of pain. I haven't tried afghani but so far the best I've found just makes me too baked to dwell on the pain and gives a bit of muscle relaxer quality.

I mean can any of you guys smoke the strongest stuff you have ever had and even pinch your skin without feeling it? A real numbing effect like an opiate?
(and then the op wants pain relief with a clear enough head to still work and get things done too, that I just can't see happening either.)

Even though I've been growing a very long time I just haven't had the exposure to enough different strains maybe? Maybe there is something numbing?

As it stands now I take handfulls of ibuprofen and puff and alternate to high levels of regular tylenol, and puff and whatever other OTC I can take at max levels to try to up the pain relief and I think it's severly costing me stomach and intestinally... I'm in a bad spot.


Well-Known Member
i used to buy alot of weed and i do mean alot!!
i've my fair share of different strains and yes there are indeed weeds like that:-P
best i ever smoked was i think G-13 labs weed omfg i was baked of my tits one bong lol


Well-Known Member

Wouldn't that just get me super high faster? I mean if I puff my little bong until I'm so stoned I forget to keep puffing my way would just take more hits right?

The problem is the poster has severe pain like mine, and nothing I have tried really numbs that kind of pain. I haven't tried afghani but so far the best I've found just makes me too baked to dwell on the pain and gives a bit of muscle relaxer quality.

I mean can any of you guys smoke the strongest stuff you have ever had and even pinch your skin without feeling it? A real numbing effect like an opiate?

Even though I've been growing a very long time I just haven't had the exposure to enough different strains maybe? Maybe there is something numbing?
I fuckin hope there is man , and if so , i shall find it!
if not, im hoping my knowledge will develope to the point i can start crossing and get closer to it.
tends to be the spinal nerve pain i cant quite shift either , worste at the small of my back , right bewteen my shoulder blades and my neck . . which when it gets too much the only thing is a knockout i agree.
its a shitter the current opiates and pile of other prescribed stuff aint doin shit for me , exept keep me up almost a week , so i stopped them again in the hope ill be gettin some smoke today ** fingers crossed**


Well-Known Member
i used to buy alot of weed and i do mean alot!!
i've my fair share of different strains and yes there are indeed weeds like that:-P
best i ever smoked was i think G-13 labs weed omfg i was baked of my tits one bong lol
i know the feelin bosco , hence my arrival here.
got a few strains on the way maself , including the G-13 Durban poison that spat out her tap root just a few hours ago , hoping for good things with her


Well-Known Member
start a threat askin if anyone has had some knock out weed in the past like real strong shit that should work:-P get everyones input onit