looking for any advice on growing bud outdoors

I have no experience growing bud outdoors so I was hoping for any advice as to: were to plant, best locations, what to plant in, water delivery techniques, nutes you use, security measures to use, keeping animals away, in the northern hemisphere what time of year do you plant , harvest time in in general I have mosty indica, plant seeds or clones, top/fim, soil mixtures. Just looking for anything and everything about outdoor growing from experienced bushmen.:joint: thanks a bunch guys.


Guides would be your way to go, but I can try to hit on a few of the basics. A lot is trial and error, but the basics are fairly simple. You want a good plot of soil to use, a place where it is fairly moist, but not prone to flooding. Nutrients are something you’ll have to look more in depth with depending on different genetics of your seeds. Security measures depend a lot on ready material you have, or how much you’re willing to spend. Gopher wire in your plot can provide some advantages, fence posts around your plot to fend off deer and rodents are a must, again harvest time depends on your genetics, general rule is 7-8 weeks of flowering but that is subject to change. as far as soil goes. get a good grade potting soil from your local green house, DON’T USE MIRACLE GROW! (It has time based nutrients that will more than likely burn your plants the whole way through.) Mix in some goodies, such as bat guano, blood meal, or any other fertilizer you can toss in, compost from veggies, grass clippings, fish skins all will enrich your soil with good ol NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium)

Best of luck to you on your first grow! :D
Nettles,Nettles,Nettles keep your eyes peeled. nitro rich soil. also check out your soil. dig a spade in a have a root about. clay rollsin to a solid ball in the hands, sand obv doesnt etc. etc.....if your uk north then expect clay ( maybe wrong ) ?
you can never do too much on preparing the ground before mid may. i.e nutrition/drainage/picking the right spot for concealment, south facing,hours of daylight reaching plants....
purple strains for sept finishing. not all but purple power, F dew, apparently even an auto F dew out now so bang a few of them with automazar for a mid summer crop. keeps your spirits up for the mother load.
once a week, and have a stream nearby or water source. leave all buckets on site and nutes etc. potash is a hero for flowering and production. old fire ash or buy it. bat guano too for a mega tea.
trial trial trial. but please dont be put of by autos outdoors. they make up for agood percentage of the seasons personal. and the dutch seeds can more than handle a well planned attack up north even. and if the summer does well. your second crop of autos cd be in just before the final photos. just shy of half a bin liner from outdoors in Australia 2 years ago. lets see what uk can offer again. peace love and cheese :) keep in touch through may onwards. listening in on this one
p.s copper and slugs is a nice idea. and does work. but those little blue pellets are a guarantee :) and it can be an all out war with the out door critters.deer/rabbits even rodents :/ chicken wire and human piss just a few detterents. best of luck
northern- thanks for the great advice will definitely take it In consideration. I will keep you updated but its still 2 mons. away before I can put plants in the ground here in the US. I'm thinking about middle of May.


Well-Known Member
Here is a guide that is one of the stickies. If your scroll down to #11 there are a few more links.
Outdoor Growing FAQ

How many plants are you planning on putting out and are you starting from seed or clone? Mid May is when I start putting plants out and I crack the seeds mid April. Want to give them a good month indoors. As much direct sunlight as possible. You also want to try to be close to a water source. A 6' tall flowering plant can easily need a gallon of water twice a week come August when it's 90 degrees if it doesn't rain for couple weeks. Mixing water retention crystals like Soil Moist in your soil is highly advisable.

There is so much to go over man.