looking for advice


Active Member
hey guys. if any at all, I'd love some advice to see what I should do next with my plant. as of now it's showing signs of being a female and so far from what I can tell, it needs more light if Im going to let it get bigger Wich I don't intend to do honestly. I'm almost inclined to see how long I can just keep it in veg just to keep it around as a house plant. so at this point I need some pointers on what I should do next to keep it healthy and happy. I have a nutrient plant and a light schedule already consistent enough. I just need to know what growth I should help it focus on the most.ill post photos later on so you guys can get a better idea of what I'm asking for


Well-Known Member
You can keep it in veg as long as you keep the lighting cycle over 16 hours on 8 hours off. Did the plant naturally show sex or have you had it on a flowering light cycle?


Active Member
I was going to force it to flower but it started taking off again last night so I didn't want to Interupt the growth spurt. what I was thinking about doing was cutting off the fan leaves on one axis that way it grows more narrow and gets more light on the lower parts that have already shown new growth where the stipules will be. and then once it grows another node or two I was going to top it to let it focus on its horizontal growth rather than it's verticle growth once I feel comfortable with it not being too stressed from pruning

leather lungs

Well-Known Member
Don't do anything. Wait for more responses. Give more info about your grow. Fert. Watering schedule, light, soil?