Looking for Advice / Suggestions

So i have several plants.. I know one is female for sure (feminized seed) the others no idea yet.. One is farther along than the others.. I'm hoping the pictures help.. The biggest one has some giant leafs at the bottom, i assume they are referred to as the fan leaves.. Would it help to clip them, or reduce them so light can get to the bottom.

Also with my new led light, roughly 15 inches or so away from the tallest plant, there is some burning i assume, and the leafs have curled up on the edges slightly... I have a 300 watt led, 210 actual power draw, the largest is in organic potting soil no nutes.. 79 degrees or so, and roughly 70 percent humidity.. Every and all suggestions would be helpful.. ty



Well-Known Member
Would it help to clip them, or reduce them so light can get to the bottom...and the leafs have curled up on the edges slightly
Leave the fan leaves on. Do not cut them.

Raise lights between 18"-28", and/or increase the air that circulates (fan) between the lights and the canopy, IMO. I've read distances anywhere from 16" (240w) to 42" (900w), depending on the brand.
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