Looking for a legal state established grower who wants a financial partner.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I am seriously looking for a partner who is experienced in commercial growing and also has established business connections. I am purely a outdoors grower but I do have limited experience 4 years growing for myself and my patient friends in Australia.
What I do bring to the table is enough cash to help keep things moving and expanding, a very creative adventurous mind, and amazing sales and marketing ability. What I ask in exchange is to have a equal partner who will teach me how to do this professionally and be my mentor and partner and has a operation running or wants to expand their operations and to add a dynamic personality with big ambitions and dreams. I can't think of anything more I would like to do than to finish a day with earth under my nails and sweat from a hard days work under the sun tending my girls. I live in Australia but am a US CITIZEN so immigration is no issue. You must be a legal grower with experience and solid connections in a medical or recreational state, you must be able to provide proof of this to me as well as financials from previous years crops and proof of business relationships with dispensaries and or recreational cannabis shops in legal states. There must be legal agreements in place between us establishing a partnership and you must be a registered business. Look I know this is a long shot but I am aiming for early 2017 and will have a 6 figure injection for your business if we can agree to terms.
Don't know if anyone will reply buto worth a shot for my dream.
imho, even if you started with a partner it would still take time to establish those 6 figures....the same amount of time you could do it on your own. You dont need to ride the coat tails of anyone else, you could do all this yourself. You could move to a rec/med state (choosing a newly rec state would be best), get your grow going, get all your lisencing/permits that you need and start rubbing elbows with all the right people
imho, even if you started with a partner it would still take time to establish those 6 figures....the same amount of time you could do it on your own. You dont need to ride the coat tails of anyone else, you could do all this yourself. You could move to a rec/med state (choosing a newly rec state would be best), get your grow going, get all your lisencing/permits that you need and start rubbing elbows with all the right people
Thanks you but as I said before I have no commercial experience and my own experience is limited. It would be foolish for me to try to compete with established farmers that know the land and can pull pounds while I'm pulling ounces per plant, not a smart move in my opinion.
I am very good at running a business and creating revenue but I need a master growers to give me a leg up, I wouldn't even know how to pick a good plot. I think a established farmer would be very attracted to let's say up to 250000 dollars for operating capital the amount invested would depend on the strength of the business and the expected returns.
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Maybe I'm wrong but that kind of money isn't easy to get especially with banks not willing to lend to medical growers let alone the costs of operating a working farm. I read all these guys coming up with their car and a backpack offering nothing but labour, I'm offering growth and capital.
imho, even if you started with a partner it would still take time to establish those 6 figures....the same amount of time you could do it on your own. You dont need to ride the coat tails of anyone else, you could do all this yourself. You could move to a rec/med state (choosing a newly rec state would be best), get your grow going, get all your lisencing/permits that you need and start rubbing elbows with all the right people

I believe the mate is offering to put 6 figures on the table, with the right partner....

Thats how i read it anyway.
I believe the mate is offering to put 6 figures on the table, with the right partner....

Thats how i read it anyway.
Correct, I'm bringing my sales experience my marketing, and some cash and a little experience and a eagerness to master my grow. The other party does not need to pony up anything.
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Correct, I'm bringing my sales experience my marketing, and some cash and a little experience and a eagerness to master my grow. The other party does not need to pony up anything.
Wish I was your guy...lol

Best of luck in finding him, or her...
Consider the thread closed, I wont be replying to any more silly posts, if by the off chance there is actually a legitimate interested party that wants to grow their business pm me. Thanks for your replies lol.
USD I will be

4 plants lol nice

from what i've seen in CO, you are a day late and a dollar short. are you planning on leaving Oz and coming stateside for this project?

all kidding aside, i'd look at growing industrial hemp. you figure out how to make that into rope or something that you can sell easily is where it's at.
if you want to look at CO for land, i'll be glad to give a hand. i''m in need of some part time income.