Look ready to flower?


Active Member
All plants were flushed over the last couple of days just to handle any salt buildups and get ready to accept flowering food. They are right at 5 weeks, but a bit short due to being started outdoors as seedlings (was going to go guerrilla but moved indoors).

Anyway, here they are at 5 weeks old. They have been under a 400w MH for a couple of weeks, before that they were under 100W of 6500K CFL.. before that it was 100 degree sunshine for the first week or so...

They all survived they harsh beginning, and honestly I think it helped make them hardy. They are short, compact and bushy as hell.. well other than the 2 sativa looking ones that are a few inches taller.

The indicas are about 7inches, the tallest are 10 or so and a couple in the middle.. 8-9".

They all have a ton of branches that could be cloned but I'm in no position for that and these seeds are bagseed from decent midgrade only. Not worth the hassle.

Anyway.. anyone see any issues with them before I put on my MC Hammer pants and go "stop... flower time!"



Active Member
Yeah, but I only have a 2x5 space and 400w hps + 100w cfl. Will they get too large for that if I end up with 4 or 5 females?


Well-Known Member
They're ready, I say go for it. Better to be too short than too tall. You can also live and learn.


Active Member
Forgot to mention, I used 50/50 MG organic choice potting mix and MG perlite. Noit the best, I know.. but these were intended for outdoor and it would have been amended to natural soil. Wound up with 4 bags of shit and just used it. Works fine really as long as I don't feed them too much when the soil is fresh.

So anyone else think they look healthy enough to flower or should I work out any issues beforehand? Size and yield is not my primary concern. A bit of good smoke and learning experience is my goal.


Active Member
Like he said... let em grow for another week or two then throwem into flowering ... you'll be fine.

Shoulda used a bigger space


Active Member
If I had a bigger space...

But tbh I like my closet project. It's tight, sealed and well ventilated. Temps are great (78-84), airflow is good. Stems are thick and woody already.

All I need to do this week is finish painting in super flat white paint (amazing stuff from lowes - cheap, easy to clean and repairs with a brush stroke if you scuff it - Olympic Premium with up to 30% titanium).

So I think I'll do that this week and maybe this weekend make the switch. They are growing quick now and I don't want them out of hand. I think in 2 weeks of veg they could end up being 2 feet tall before I switch to 12/12 and that's going to be TOO big lol.


Active Member
Yeah, I am. going to compromise the suggestions here and go with my plan. Paint and finish construction today/tomorrow.. let the plants dry out for a day or two.. pop them with a dilute bloom food watering and go 12/12 this weekend.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
they look nice and green :), i dont no about flushing the soil before flowering as alot of people say you should carry on giving them veg nutes for the first week of flowering.


Active Member
Well, I'm just using my GH hydro nutes Lucas formula in diluted amounts. Like 1/4 str.. mostly for trace elements. If they start needing more I'll go more.. and I bet I will soon once that soil gets consumed.
Your plants look great!! I'm also wondering if mine is ok to start on a flower schedule?.... It's 16" tall, BUT seems so thin compared to others I've seen on here.. (My dog ate 7 leaves, so I just clipped them off at the base of the 'branch', that little bitch! haha) It's been outside for maybe two months? Notice how thin the stem is... P.S. I really nervous about it getting bigger and smelling... we have a few cops in the neghborhood (kDSCN4903.jpg9), but I don't want it inside either (in-laws) if you get about a foot away, it smells like skunk right now.any advice is greatly appreciated!DSCN4902.jpg