Longer flower vs Slower drying

Hey all,

What would you do in this situation; plants have roughly two to three weeks left before they are prime for harvesting. However, they need to be cut, dried, and jarred up in 10 days.

As I see it, the options are to cut sooner and let them slow dry, or let them fatten up as much as possible then try some one day quick dry technique. Maybe somewhere in between.

How would you tackle this?

This hypothetical is 400 watt DWC auto-flowering strain.


Well-Known Member
i would personallylet em plump then quick dry... for more buds... =) hows the buds look already? remember they will shrink significantly


Well-Known Member
I have had stuff given to me to dry before and quick drying sucks. Everyone seems to agree, the slower dry the better. Hope this helps