Long Users Showed Avg. IQ Decline of -5.5 points

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
Long-term cannabis users showed IQ decline from childhood to midlife (mean=−5.5 IQ points), poorer learning and processing speed relative to their childhood IQ, and informant-reported memory and attention problems. These deficits were specific to long-term cannabis users because they were either not present or were smaller among long-term tobacco users, long-term alcohol users, midlife recreational cannabis users, and cannabis quitters. Cognitive deficits among long-term cannabis users could not be explained by persistent tobacco, alcohol, or other illicit drug use, childhood socioeconomic status, low childhood self-control, or family history of substance dependence.

I have noticed the older I get the less I give a s*** about d*******. I can't say if it's the weed or life.
A somewhat new study reveils that THC could help old brains:

A chronic low dose of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) restores cognitive function in old mice

It's all debatable. Too much of everything is bad for you. Even water. Cigarettes and alcohol have more effects and related illnesses than Cannabis. We're all lucky to hit age 30-50 with minimal to no health issues at some point. The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink all have some degree of consequences most long term. Its all inevitable. Just live life the way it makes you happy. I have found solace in cannabis. Not just consuming but growing it. I don't see how cannabis is any more harmful than pharma. Pharma has been around maybe a hundred years. Just the other day I heard about how the golden standard of a aspirin a day for seniors (something doctors have been saying was good for decades) was retracted by the FDA. Originally was something elderly should take to lower blood clotting and blood pressure but now finding has leads other health problems and retracted the recommendation. Do/Be/Pursue what makes you happy to yourself and others. Life's short and nothing is guaranteed.