Long time Smoker 1st time Grower


Active Member
Hey everyone this is my 1st grow and I wanted to get some opinions on my setup. I have been reading on here for about 2 months, and decide because of my budget cfls were what I was gonna work with.

I have
2 18" 15w aquarium lights 510 lumens each
2 26w CFL both 1750 lumens one is 4k and the other 2700k
1 45w CFL (that I got at walmart today for like 8 bucks) probrobly gonna get 2 more and replace 26w
and that puts out 2700 lumen I think this is 2700k as well

my box is a weird one (it is like a corner cabinet)
but it is 3' tall and 3.5' wide. I am using bag seeds right now because this is my first grow. Soil I am using miricale grow seed started. I have not got any fert. yet so if anyone has some sugestions as to what kind is best (and can be bought locally, wally world etc.) that would be greatly appreciated. I am 4 days in germ. 8 seeds 2 have poped out of the dirt and opened up. I have them on 24/7 lights right now. I dont have a timer yet so i was trying to wait before i get that. Sry for no pics maybe I will get some balls and snap some but I like to keep my hobbie to myself and not let it get out.

Thanks for reading and please leave feedback let me know how im doing.