long-term vacation


I have to leave my plant, Northern Lights, for 10 days. I've set up a watering system, to keep it wet, in a deep water hydro 5 gallon bucket. I have 12 gallons in a tub, with a submersible pump, and added drain tubes, to return overflow back into the reservoir. I assume about 1 gallon max./day for plant to drink. I've got a timer set to pump for only 1 minute. The reservoir has the same concentration of Bloom nute. I'm lighting with a 400 w HPS. The plant has been in the flowering room for 2 weeks, and has lots of buds started all over. I've trimmed "spagetti" stems from the lower parts of the plant. This plant was my "mother", and has lots of bushy-ness. My question is....how much more growth should I expect during the next 10 days?...I want to raise the light, to allow for growth, but no too high, causing it to climb up to the light....The bush is about 30 inches tall. Any thoughts? Pics to follow.


I'm no master, but I've heard that indica based strains can grow about half what they did in veg phase during flowering; so basic math would say half the rate that she was growing and use that to kinda figure it out? Although it's been going in flowering for two weeks, so you could kinda use that as an educated guess as well. Yeah. I'm not much help. Sorry brah. Maybe someone who's grown it before will hop on and be more help then me; till then - bongsmilie


Ursus marijanus
I would add some sort of "choke" to the system to make sure that the plant only gets enough water each time your pump goes. i see a danger of the roots being overwatered for the duration. The best solution would be to water every 3 days, but i don't know if such a timer is easily available. cn