lol spidermite colonisaition during last week of flower..


Well-Known Member
soooo came to lop down my ladies and got 4 into the 8 i had no probs,,, came to no 5 and noticed some webs o teh very top buds on my superb HG cheese looking at a few others deeper into my room.. (i have 8 in sets of 2 that take up the full space if you can picture me at one end....)

the weekend before i chopped the weather was very very hot for here and as such my room went from max 29c (limit is 30 i know :D) to 38 over the 3 days before returning to normal....

in those 3 days it seems there was a mass colonisation ... i have since harvested and hung and am atthe momen 7 days into hanging .. just checking the buds for web etc .. - i have seem about 20 so far so have just rubbed them off ...

NOW - the buds seem completely uneffected by the late attack so im not worried about that ..

my one question would be how long will they try and make webs for now on the bud... its virtually ready for taking of the stick so im gonna jar it soon... dont want to do it until its completly dry though so how long does it matter etc ???

more importantly what should i do to my room now to ensure they dont return...?

q3 ive left a vegging plant in the rom as a sacrifice in teh hope whats left of them will jum on that .. planning to take it out and burn it when they do :D ..

should i leave my room dormant for a week and clean it rthough... or should i leave it and put predetors in for a week now ??? thoughts??

thanks ain advance for the posts and please i am no noob.. so happy for detailed information... will post some pics of my bud to show the qualaty of what i have this time around (cheese armagedon and bubble cheese)... they are all dripping with thc n crop is unaffected so happy days but need the info now :D:peace::peace:

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
ok first burn your whole house down, they will still live in the ashes so next you must move far enough they won't follow.

but really clean everything that has touched your grow tools, pots, floor, walls, lights, everything in bleach water. then do it again.

i had some probs i cleaned well then sealed everything in my grow room and lysol'd the hell out of it and sealed it up for two days, when i opened it the lysol almost choked me out. air it out and wipe the residue off and start growing. it killed everything


Well-Known Member
nice post fella tyvm

i think a lack of occilation in that middle areea is why they got settled.. so ill sort that ..

i have pyrethum and use it in veg to stop thrips etc settling on my vegging clones .. so my plan is..

1) clean all room and let it lay dormant for ten days...
2) get preds and put into room when i go into flower next cycle..i can use the pyrethum when in veg...

my room is currently 10 - 16c so that will slow down any reproducation from what i understand.. but theres nowt in ther vegging appart from one little babie in a small pot and my harvest hung up when i checked some of the hung stuff its nearly ready to be clipped of but i saw some fresh webs on the drying stuff..... ... any thoughts ??????


Well-Known Member
Have you had clones from others?
As far as I can tell -spider mites come from other peoples grows and get passed when you receive their clones. This is why I have decided to start my own mother plant instead of risking an infestation by getting clones from others.