Logistics for watering an outdoor garden


New Member
How do most of you water your larger outdoor gardens.Do you prepare large amounts of nutriented,ph-ed water all at one time? Do you let the water sit overnight before adding nutes and phing? Is your storage device portable?

We have 18 mmj plants growing outdoors,scattered around a sizeable back yard and each plant is in a 25 gallon smart pot. My two partners and I each water 6 plants but have been wasting vast amounts of time. We have been using 9 two gallon watering cans as that is what we had on hand. So we add the proper amount of nutes to each 2 gallons of water and ph before watering. We have been cash poor up to now-so that is why we are so stupid.lol.

I just came up with $100 to burn and need to change our watering technique. Please make any suggestions.WE usually wind up prepping approx 125 to 150 gallons every other day,when we water and feed.

Should I buy three large 50 gallon garbage cans from home depot to mix my water and nutes in and just dip the 2 gallon watering cans into the bigger garbage can? Should I buy a 50 gallon rain collector,with hose attached? Remember, I'm limited to $100 to make my watering scenario much simpler.

Any advice would be great. OH,by the way, we are growing in coco and perlite.Our plants are pest free,so far,and very healthy so we are doing most of it "right."Just watering with exteme "inefficiency." We are not too creative,so please help.lol.


New Member
We made a mistake using such large pots,only a few sativa plants amongst the batch. Should have used 15 gallon instead.Not looking to make a profit,only free quality medication. But my question still stands as we need to use lots of water and the larger pots mean more watering,unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
sump pump.........I'd take a look on craigslist for a sump pump. You can mix in a trash can & pump out into your plants. You'll need a hose & extension cord. This one will pump out 30gls in about 10 min. Works good. I use straight city water, mix & feed the same day. good luck. P.S. I think you used too small of pot, should have used 50's........I use 100's



Well-Known Member
Next year go TLO and top dressing on a drip system . Djj gots ya covered this year. Shouldn't have to be PH'ing your out door grow anyways.


New Member
Next year go TLO and top dressing on a drip system . Djj gots ya covered this year. Shouldn't have to be PH'ing your out door grow anyways.
We are growing in coco/perlite and our hose water is over 7ph. Hence,we do need to ph our water,indoor or outdoor is not relevant.Ph for coco/perlite s/b low 5 to low 6 range on the ph meter.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I use a big trash can and a sump pump hooked to a garden hose for nutes. On water only days I just water straight from the hose.

cancer survivor

Active Member
i have perfect well water. its a super deep well over 400 ft. just water from the hose,black octagon shaped hoses from craftsman(sears) lifetime waranty! peace


Active Member
We are growing in coco/perlite and our hose water is over 7ph. Hence,we do need to ph our water,indoor or outdoor is not relevant.Ph for coco/perlite s/b low 5 to low 6 range on the ph meter.
For an outdoor grow you should not be so stressed out. Why not just grow in soil?


i was super concerned about ph for outdoor...at the start...said forget it after some bullshit tests and messin around after the first couple weeks and things are goin better than ever expected...just well water...mix and feed same day...just water days its straight from the hose...


Well-Known Member
i feed about every 3rd/4th watering. and i water about 35-40 gals. i do it by hand just with 5 gal buckets
from home depot. i have like 4 and i fill em all up, add nutes go water and repeat.

honestly bro i think for ur budget. do the 3 50 gal trash bins. add nutes and instead of the 2 gal things u got.
get like 6 5 gal buckets. 2 for each person. and ull speed up ur shit immensly for like $50

if your trying to go labor free the pump and shit is awesome. lil more expensive than this route tho. and by the sounds
of it u got 3 young dudes so labor shouldnt be an issue.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Some people have had good luck with Miracle Gro water crystals. They are lite weight, swell up, hold and release water slowly.


Well-Known Member
How do most of you water your larger outdoor gardens.Do you prepare large amounts of nutriented,ph-ed water all at one time? Do you let the water sit overnight before adding nutes and phing? Is your storage device portable?

We have 18 mmj plants growing outdoors,scattered around a sizeable back yard and each plant is in a 25 gallon smart pot. My two partners and I each water 6 plants but have been wasting vast amounts of time. We have been using 9 two gallon watering cans as that is what we had on hand. So we add the proper amount of nutes to each 2 gallons of water and ph before watering. We have been cash poor up to now-so that is why we are so stupid.lol.

I just came up with $100 to burn and need to change our watering technique. Please make any suggestions.WE usually wind up prepping approx 125 to 150 gallons every other day,when we water and feed.

Should I buy three large 50 gallon garbage cans from home depot to mix my water and nutes in and just dip the 2 gallon watering cans into the bigger garbage can? Should I buy a 50 gallon rain collector,with hose attached? Remember, I'm limited to $100 to make my watering scenario much simpler.

Any advice would be great. OH,by the way, we are growing in coco and perlite.Our plants are pest free,so far,and very healthy so we are doing most of it "right."Just watering with exteme "inefficiency." We are not too creative,so please help.lol.
If you have Harbor Freight close by go their and pick up a cheap 39$ sump pump and attach a hose to it. The get 3 cheap garbage cans. I use a single 50 gal can with the pump setup but I'm not watering 16 plants. Other wise if you can find a few 55gal food grade plastic barrels they are much stronger and will last much longer. You can usually find them for between 10-20$, check craigs list. Good luck.