Lm301h from China


Well-Known Member
Hi guys
I found a seller in alibaba that claim he was selling strips with lm301h
Asked for photo of the led package
the photo looks to be lm301b with unknown voltage (looked in samsung datasheet and didnt fined VA only XA)
And lm301h come with H before 5
This one has D like 301b have
Well its china so no surprise

This is the photo the seller gave me

This is lm301h seriel number from samsung site
With buying china boards this almost always the case: they show you a photo of the delivery. But you dont have any guarantees that these will be the diodes thats in your board. Or even that the photo was made by them. The only thing that can can be done is either buy from a reputable dealer or try and see, i dont think you can wrestle out anymore details of them. Also bear in mind that this is what has been given to your sales rep, its possible they seriously believe they have legit diodes but dont. Ymmv
With buying china boards this almost always the case: they show you a photo of the delivery. But you dont have any guarantees that these will be the diodes thats in your board. Or even that the photo was made by them. The only thing that can can be done is either buy from a reputable dealer or try and see, i dont think you can wrestle out anymore details of them. Also bear in mind that this is what has been given to your sales rep, its possible they seriously believe they have legit diodes but dont. Ymmv
well after i pointed that it isnt the lm301h
the seller was not surprised and said like he will check it
and if i want legit lm301h it will be 32$ for each strip XD
better to buy the R strips from invisible sun for 40$
with 5% improvement no?

Where does it state that? Same cct/tj?

Im waiting to see how the "one" develops

"What is your opinion, as an expert, on "One Package" that Samsung Electronics will show soon? Compared with existing modules (white with expensive red packages), the total module cost can be significantly reduced and management costs can also be reduced in terms of inventory management. In addition, it is expected that growth uniformity can be obtained by increasing the uniformity of PPFD in the cultivation space through the use of a single package."

"Samsung Horticulture_LM301H ONE Samsung provides a single package solution with white spectrum that is better for plant growth 380 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 780 Normal LED Photosynthetic Flower/Fruit Photoperiod Plant Circadian Samsung Horticulture ONE Samsung Horticulture_LM301H ONE This growth-optimizing and cultivation-enhancing solution will be released in 2019. LM"

Also that new spectrum simulation tool looks the business.

source https://cdn.samsung.com/led/file/resource/2019/07/Samsung_Horticulture_Technical_Brochure_190627.pdf
Where does it state that? Same cct/tj?

Im waiting to see how the "one" develops

"What is your opinion, as an expert, on "One Package" that Samsung Electronics will show soon? Compared with existing modules (white with expensive red packages), the total module cost can be significantly reduced and management costs can also be reduced in terms of inventory management. In addition, it is expected that growth uniformity can be obtained by increasing the uniformity of PPFD in the cultivation space through the use of a single package."

"Samsung Horticulture_LM301H ONE Samsung provides a single package solution with white spectrum that is better for plant growth 380 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 780 Normal LED Photosynthetic Flower/Fruit Photoperiod Plant Circadian Samsung Horticulture ONE Samsung Horticulture_LM301H ONE This growth-optimizing and cultivation-enhancing solution will be released in 2019. LM"

Also that new spectrum simulation tool looks the business.

source https://cdn.samsung.com/led/file/resource/2019/07/Samsung_Horticulture_Technical_Brochure_190627.pdf
Speaking a foreign language to me... How well does it grow marijuana is what really matters... Thats what we really care about in the end... Well me anyways...