live in Chicago, no medical marijuana here, talk to doc about marijuana?


Active Member
My question is, would it be a bad idea to discuss my marijuana use with my doctor? It is not legal in illinois, medically, but I do use it for medical purposes. Some people I am sure are going to be like, YEAH, MEDICAL REASONS, RIGHT LMGDMFAO!!!!! But I am being serious. And I have wanted to discuss with my doc, but I am scared she or he will turn me in, and take my kids, or something to ruin me. Its a plant for crying out loud!!!!


Active Member
i feel ya... im from the north west side.... im moving to colorado...
Im seriously contemplating a move myself. I could just stay smoking here, illegally of course, but I just worry about my kids, and paying those damn fines, total bs!!!!


Active Member
No shit??!?!?!?? I swore the chi was never ever EVER going to see the light. Ima have to look that up!


New Member
well it is patient doctor confidentiality so he cant reveal it as it is not life threatening


Well-Known Member
Actually, discussing it with your doctor is'nt going to get you busted or your kids ripped from your clutches. They can tell when your not coping with the situation first off.. and ya patiend doctor confidentiality does enter into it also. That being said I feel what you need to watch for is that your doctor may remove other perscriptions you may be using to treat pain as this was what my wifes Doctor threatened to do when she discussed gettting a medical card. (Legalized in Montana) If ya do, I wouldnt get to detailed as to quantity used so much lol. Never kow what someone elses idea of too much is. Good Luck and Stay healthy.


dudes please do us all a favour and start talking about cannabis freedom!! the way i see it this is a huge human rights issue... cannabis prohibition should be illegal and deemed insane like alcohol prohibition!!! such a waste of resources!! cannabis is mothers medicine!!!