Little tiny bugs, organic solution?


Active Member
First time grower here. Got 10 ladies (hopefully ladies) at 4 weeks. There are these little tiny bugs that fly around the girls and seem to hang out in the soil alot to. I have found a small hole or 2 during daily inspection. What can I do to get rid of these pesky little shits and not use any chemicals.:joint:


Well-Known Member
more info.....what do the bugs look like and if u can pic. .........since your indoors what i would do is make sure they rnt coming in somewhere if they rnt for sure then i would get the sticky traps and put them on top of the soil and let the bugs collect also look for any signs of eggs and kill them all....i would sit there for a hour smoking a bowl and killing bugs just kill em all everytime you get bored.....that how i have gotten rid of problems outside and i was OUTSIDE and it worked......other ppl say use neem oil but it oily and i said describe bugs they might not b a problem


Well-Known Member
oh and then theres the organic bug killer ive used that its good its a spray bottle it says it kills all these flies and stuff its not oily but its kinda soapy you rinse it off later