Little seedling not growing anymore


This little girl opened up her cotyledon leaves 5 days ago and for a couple of days she grew slowly and now it seems like she either stopped growing completely or is growing really slow. Does anyone know what her problem might be?
Pictures below:
This is her 2 and a half days ago..

And this is just now..
Any suggestions?
My other girl is growing much quicker
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some seeds are defective just like everything else not all are perfect. If they are in the same soil and getting everything the same then it could very well be the seed. Roots sometimes do a J or they twist or the plants get a virus. What soil and container are they in?
some seeds are defective just like everything else not all are perfect. If they are in the same soil and getting everything the same then it could very well be the seed. Roots sometimes do a J or they twist or the plants get a virus. What soil and container are they in?

I was kinda thinking that but was hoping maybe it was something I could fix.
They are in a solo cup right now and I'm using foxfarm ocean forest
I was kinda thinking that but was hoping maybe it was something I could fix.
They are in a solo cup right now and I'm using foxfarm ocean forest
you could try putting it in more soil fill the cup to 3/4inch from the top and don't over water it and be careful not to give it too much light.
you could try putting it in more soil fill the cup to 3/4inch from the top and don't over water it and be careful not to give it too much light.

I was wanting to add more soil to the cup but she isn't very high above the soil at all so if I filled it to 3/4 inch from the top it would completely cover her. Is there a way that I can add more soil without covering her? I have cut back on the watering because I thought I might have been giving her a little too much but she definitely wasn't getting too much light. I actually just added more because there wasn't enough.
The medium is no good for seedlings. Get some coco/ peat etc. Also dont have it so deep in the pot, to a little seedling its like its down a fuckin well.

Are you saying that I shouldn't grow her in soil? I definitely want to stick with soil but if you have a soil that would be better for seedlings then foxfarm ocean forrest then I would love to go get it. My boyfriend transplanted her in the solo cup and I felt like it was too low but didn't know if it would be worse to transplant again. Do you think I should transplant her again?
never put a seedling in a hot soil. use light warrior for seedlings. very carefully scoop the plant with a small spoon then rinse off the soil revealing your little root and transplant into light warrior immediately. you can transplant the seedling into foxfarm after its well established (about 4 weeks for a seedling). if you don't, it will burn up and die. a shop light(t8-t12) work great for seedlings as you can get the light closer to the plant and wont give off much heat. after you do this, if you see your plant stretching and looks like it will fall over because it cant support the weight, move light closer because it is searching for light and support plant with a paper clip until it becomes stronger to support the weight. I use blue or red solo cups just make sure you make 3-4 small slits in the bottom of cup for drainage. this should fix your problem. good luck and lmk how this works out for you
I have used this method in the past and works great. I use a shop light for my seed for a week or 2(can get the light very close) then I switch to a t5. you straighten the paper clip with just the loop so you can stick it in the soil and the loop supports the plant from falling over
it does work and is a quick fix. they are only seedlings and don't need a lot of light. she has seedlings in ocean forest soil. too strong. you wouldn't feed a baby steak and potatoes
This is my first time ever growing.. the reason I used Foxfarm ocean forest was because that's what somebody else told me to use because I had the oldest one and middle one planted in Miracle Grow so they told me to transplant them out of that into foxfarm ocean Forest. So I have 3 little seedlings (not all the same age)..
20160718_123821.jpg oldest
20160718_124539.jpg middle
20160718_124111.jpg Youngest...
So the middle one has completely stopped growing and I think she is pretty much just done for but I will definitely try transplanting her and see if it can save her. The oldest seems to be doing great and she has already been transplanted once so I haven't wanted to do it again until she has to go to a bigger pot. Do you think I should still transplant her into different soil as well or just leave her in the ffof? But as far as the youngest one goes, she was never in Miracle Grow only ffof so she hasn't yet been transplanted but do you think I should leave her in the foxfarm since she's doing good or transplant her to the new soil also?
if shes doing good then let her be but next time, get some light warrior. miracle grow soil and ff ocean forest are way to hot for seedlings. those soils are good for plants that are well developed(several sets of leaves, about 2-3 weeks old).I suggest you buy a book by Jorge Cervantes cannabis bible with the purple cover. it covers all types of grows and covers defiencies and how to plant seedlings and clones and is easy reading. it will be the best 30-40$ you ever spent
if shes doing good then let her be but next time, get some light warrior. miracle grow soil and ff ocean forest are way to hot for seedlings. those soils are good for plants that are well developed(several sets of leaves, about 2-3 weeks old).I suggest you buy a book by Jorge Cervantes cannabis bible with the purple cover. it covers all types of grows and covers defiencies and how to plant seedlings and clones and is easy reading. it will be the best 30-40$ you ever spent

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me I really do appreciate it. I will transplant the middle one and leave the other two for the time being and just keep an eye on them for now. I will definitely be using Light Warrior from now on winner seedlings and foxfarm later on. I have seen a bunch of different grow bibles available and didn't know which one would be the best but thank you I will get that one so I can make sure I'm getting correct information.
Agreed soil and living in a deep tunnel on your second pic ......the warrior mix is awesome definately go that route next time good luck
You can use hot soils on seedlings. I do it all the time in super soil that is hot.

The key to it stay on the dry side. Don't over water. The more you water the more you feed.
makes sense white but for a new grower (over watering is usually the most common mistake people make when first growing) I suggest light warrior. way more forgiving then a hot soil
What exactly does a hot soil mean? Do I have to buy the light warrior online? I've called nurseries around me and none of them have it so far. Is there any other soil that is also good for seedlings that I might be able to find easier? I will make sure I water very little. If it is really dry on the top but still a little bit moist underneath should I spray a little water on top or just leave it?