little PC grow


hey all so ive started a little PC grow for fun. in the very beginning stages of the Project, Seeds germinated and put in soil (2 per solo cup three solo cups), and just started on my window sill. im putting two seeds per cup because they're just seeds i found in some middies so im planning on getting 2-3 females. im planning one useing 3, 42 watt 6400k cfl's to veg them. what is going to be the best way to grow these? should i train them down to get more surface are of the plant light? i was also planning on just running the computer fan and putting a simple carbon filter on it for exhaust. it can smell but not reek, will this be enough? my soil is really simple organic potting mix. any tips are greatly appreciated,


sprouts up and looking good. moved them from the window sill to the closet with a 27 watt 6000k cfl. the Pc case isn't complete, waiting on one thing i need from my other house, getting it this weekend. still wondering if my idea for a carbon filter will reduce smell enough? pics will be up soon hopefully.
two to a cup really isnt good not enough room for the roots the will entangle and might kill the plants. the way to stop that would be a huge pot but your a pc grow so cant do that.I would recommend a start over since its just bag seed and you have or can get more. The lights are perfect fan should work great try Lst if you want a better yeild out of a small grow area.


Well-Known Member
yo burnturn

click the link i my sig. its my pc grow start to finish. read it and you will learn alot about pc growing. if you need any help shoot me a message.

peace bro goodluck


took the rookies advice, went two one seedling per cup. still expecting at least one or two of them are males, but i guess batter safe then sorry. ill let you all know if they show signs of stress from the transplant.


plants looking nice and strong, survived the transplant nicely. now im worried im watering too much (or two little). what are the indications of too much watering and too little watering?


Well-Known Member
to much watering plants will wilt havily, underwatering leaves will feel dry. stick finger an inch into soil, if dry water if not its fine


to much watering plants will wilt havily, underwatering leaves will feel dry. stick finger an inch into soil, if dry water if not its fine
also mixing sugar in with the watering water helps plants grow, how much will maximize the cannabis growth? im sure too much will burn them and too little just wont do anything.


Active Member
im doing a pc grow also with 2 easy riders and the smell can be a problem. But for a carbon filter i recommend getting a carbon sheet(found at pet store near fish or home depot) and cutting it to the size of your fan and sticking it on the back so it sucks the air through and cleans it. The only problem would be that the fan isnt strong enough, mine is a 120mm 110cfm fan from new egg and it works great, temps went from 77-79 to 80-82, but if you want no smell at all this is your best bet imo.


Well-Known Member
also mixing sugar in with the watering water helps plants grow, how much will maximize the cannabis growth? im sure too much will burn them and too little just wont do anything.
sugar isn't the best thing to use. mollasses is alot better. sugar doesn't have the extra micro nutes and really won't help anything


thanks for the advice on the carbon filter feeK, i think that what i will probably do. plants look good today, still not in there PC case, i cant stand it when friends flake out on you! but set up in the closet now for the time being and looking good. ill post some pics of the girls soon, and the PC case when i get the final peaces i need.


girls looking good. i think one got a little too close to the light, started to wilt. so i adjusted the lights and it looks like its making a little improvement, still a little wilted though. i am guessing it take a few days for it to really gets back into growing. the leaves are getting nice and big and the stalks aren't stretching out one the other three.


so ive had a giant set back. in adjusting the lights in order to not burn one flower i must have hit something and tipped the light over when closing the closet. two of the 4 plants have been burnt pretty badly. i think they will survive but i think it will be a little while till they get back to the previous state... any suggestions on helping a burnt plant grow faster? should i try to remove some of the more burnt leaves to promote new growth or anything??


Well-Known Member
just make sure they have enough water to help the drying out. maybe give it some molasses with watering to give it some extra carbs. other than that just gotta let it do its thing and recover. how bout a pic update?

good luck man


hey all, so the two plants that got burnt are still looking very sad. but the other 2 seem to be doing well. they are in the case now and they fit pretty nicely. have some pics but i cant figure out how to get them on the site. whenever i try to upload them it wont let me, any tips?


hey all so im just posting an update. still no pics because i cant figure out how to get therm one. the two that didnt get burned still going strong. i think that the two that got burned will eventually with love and careing survive. but seeing as there just bag seeds i think im going to toss them soon and mabye start some other ones. is it bad to have two plants in different states of veg in the same container? i was thinking about building another box exclusively for flowering. how much do people think this would speed the process from back to back full growing cycles. another thing. im hoping to put the plants in some bigger pots in the near future and giving them some nutes. any suggestions on nutes that you can get at like home depot or somewhere like that? thanks for all the help.


hey all. so we had a set back, two of the plants were male and one just died. so im left with one strong plant that hasnt showed signs of being male. i think im going to start another couple soon so i can have a crop on its way when this one plant goes into flower. is this a bad idea to have plants at different stages of veg in the same area?


so i just got back from break and my friend killed one female. well not killed but shes not growing up and not really growing at all. i think moving around was too stressful for the little plants. ive started some seeds that again were from a friends bag of some decent middies. any suggestions on things to speed growth and help for the stronger plant? im working with a pretty normal organic potting soil and im going to water with a little molasses to give some extra growing energy. any suggestions would be helpful. but i dont really know what went wrong since i was not with the plant.