Little Indoor Garden


Active Member
Lookin' good. I bet those italian roasting peppers will be nice if you can get them to get pretty big fruit.
I can also see you're going for the coffee can challenge. :hump:


Lookin' good. I bet those italian roasting peppers will be nice if you can get them to get pretty big fruit.
I can also see you're going for the coffee can challenge. :hump:
Yea hope things work out and get some nice producing indoor plants for the balcony this summer!

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
I love your little indoor garden. I harvested mine so no herbs or any kind of fruits, veggies or herbs are growing right now. I can't wait to get my inrdoor garden up and running again but a little better then the last time.

mmmm nothing can beat peppers with a light dusting of THC crystals. :P