Little fukin bugs


Well-Known Member
ok so i moved my plant in the grage and now in the dirt there are some little orange really small. what are they and what can i do to kill them!!!!

they have little legs and look like mini spiders..what do i do to kill them...there are all up in my soil!!


Active Member
a stab in the dark id say probably spider mites i had them before
try'd some spider mite predators bought from ebay they didnt work then used some spray called spider mite control natural insect eliminator £15 but it worked Spidermite Control - Pesticide Free, Safe, Effective Control - has even been used for growing cannabis and marijuana plants indoors
after using it and getting rid of them i was told if you can catch some lady birds<bugs> if your american
they eat the spider mite but not plants and there free
hope this helps

ps keep hoovering if growing indoors even if you kill all on the plant there in the carpet all the cracks of the walls every were
i read some were they can hibernate for around 5 years then attack a plant asoon as one is grown


Well-Known Member
ok thanks, i heard for now i can use alcohol mixed with water to kil them, is that right?


Active Member
not sure
but worth a try meaning if you dont get rid your plants are as good as dead
the worst part is its a slow and long death
i have actualy read up and most people just burn there crop bit extream i think but every one to there own i guess
good luck


Well-Known Member
lol ya, i just read that they like dry hot places and i live in south west u.s.a. so its hot hear, but they said if u keep the soil wet they will ima try that but hopefully i dnt get fungus and mold


Well-Known Member
any more suggestions? anyone?
I would go with the lady bugs, but only get 3 or 4 because they breed like crazy. Lady bugs are the best because no maintenance (except when they multiply) and they will not eat you plants. Another insect you could purchase is a Praying Mantis, two of those will do the job too! Remember, less chemicals the less they will be present in your harvest!!!! I dont think you would want to be smoking insectisides because I sure dont. No chem's, chem's are BAD!


Well-Known Member
1L of water
1 small clove of garlic
1 sliver of sope

spray your plants then use the mixture on your fingers and whipe the leafs then wate for a bit and runce if you want, I didn't rince mine and I haven't had any spider mites for 2 to 3 months now and I am getting good bugs in my grow area and if they are jumping try using some sticky tape stuff that might help you out a bit to


Well-Known Member
any more suggestions? anyone?
You mix some dish soap & water , then spray UNDER the leaves. The earlier the better, as the soap with water leaves a residue on the leaf that the bugs don't like. You can also get an all natural product ( shit can't remember the name ) that's made from crushed & powdered sea shell. Freaky shit. It cuts the bugs skin, then sucks all the moisture from the bug.


Well-Known Member
ok, ima try and get sum lady bugs, will the soap water hurt my plants when i water?
I used the mixture on my girls and they are doing alot better now and I even used it on the house plants and no spider mits for 3 months and you don't water them with it you mist the leafs and use the mixture on your fingers and whipe the leafs off and you can rince it off after


Well-Known Member
ya i weas just getting the soil wet becaus thats were there at, all in the soil.

when did they start going away and where did u mist them?



Well-Known Member
I See Those Little Shits In My Soil To. They Look Like Mini Ticks Right? I Havent Killed Them, No Harm


Well-Known Member
yep, spray them with sopy water and keep the soil damp. mine are starting to go away! THANK GOD!