Little Christmas Cheer under a 400w Hps... Hope the snow don't melt!


Active Member
Alright so I am a little ways into flowering but if you want you can watch the last couple weeks... lol Anywho I have a family strain "Christmas Cheer" growin here under a 400hps 4 18" flouro tubes and 2 24" flouro tubes (the 18" are the "redder" spectrum for cheap tubes and the 24's are the "bluer" spectrum lol) but yea it is in MG soil (ouch!) with 30percent added perlite but it hasn't caused me too many problems albeit the minor nute burn here and there... but do what ya can right! ummmmmm...... for ferts im just using the shultz 10-30-10 and mollasses but I will be flushing soon so then i will be just mollasses then just water the last week. The pictures in this post are from when she was 5weeks 4days from when she showed sex.

Oh yea and this is 12/12 from seed, but i only used the flouros to veg and plugged in the hps a couple weeks into flowering. The first like 15 internodes are all smaller than 1cm apart also which makes me want to keep the flouro vegging up cuz thats amazing for a sativa dom plant. After the first like 15 she stretched a little bit the next 3 internodes are like an inch or so long then she came back to her sensi senses and shortened them up.
So...... here are some pictures!


Active Member
Here are the pics from today. It is currently at 6 weeks 5days since showing sex... so it looks like i will pry be having a long flower as usual.:leaf:

I hope santa brings this little lady some more snow for christmas or i'm gonna be on his naughty list for sure!


Active Member
Not too much goin on i just hit 7 weeks flowering yesterday. I had two days that i couldn't run the hps so they didn't really grow too much those days but hopefully there will be some changes in the next few so i can post some new pictures.


Active Member
Just a mobile update but its 9 weeks flowering today everything is looking great. I am thinking 1 maybe 2 weeks left we'll have to see. This last week the trichs haven't really changed much no amber yet and just a small percent cloudy. A lot of the hairs started reddening up but many more white hairs are breaking out new ground so its an everchanging ratio right now. Anyways ill post pics tommorow.
One love-