That is limitations on the "potency" of edibles, the 500mg/100mg thing. And won't apply thc% of flower. Not sure if/how it would apply to concentrates. Medicaly they sell 500 & 250mg vape pens, maybe that is what the quote is referring to. But you can buy up to 2oz(1?) of concentrates with a red card so again, not sure on bho or whathaveyou.
I may be wrong but from what I've read and been told. Co residents over 21 can purchase up to 1oz of flower, keeping them within possession limits. For out of state its 7 grams.
I'm gonna find out on all of this tomorrow(if its not stupid packed), I'm a patient but still gonna go buy some rec for the hell of it, lol.
Jake: Are you involved with a dispensary? I only ask cuz I had read that only dispensaries can actually get a lic to sell rec for 2 years and am wondering if that is still true. I don't consider the "transfer" thing under A64 to be rec btw. Or what I should say really is, within only the context of recreational sales. Or are you saying a liced med caregiver is legal to sell under recreational? lol, sorry im a bit buzzin right now, I guess im really asking for someone to lay it all out for me.