Lime green color/short/droopy leaves


My plant is looking very light green I'm using: Peat moss (with no added nutes to it) Hps 600 watt (about 2 feet away) Tap water and letting it sit 2 days for Cl Not adjusting ph because I can't find a ph meter here in Egypt Temp: 75-80 Humidity:30 sometimes 40 I thought maybe it needed some bytes cuz there are non in the peat moss I bought so I added 1/4 strength and they're still lime green and looking a little droopy



Well-Known Member
do u think maybe its the ph? cuz i did feed them a bit or maybe it just wasnt enough?
Well you really should get a meter to test the PH but until then since you say you just fed them watch them. In in a couple of day's it will either get worse or it will get better.


Well-Known Member
Ph is not a concern there, the little thing still has the cotyledon leaves on it so it still has its own food source. Maybe too much water


Well-Known Member
I just went through the same thing at what looks like the same size and age .. I let her dry right the fuck out and then started watering again slowly ... mine was over watered .. looks like you have the same thing my man


I just went through the same thing at what looks like the same size and age .. I let her dry right the fuck out and then started watering again slowly ... mine was over watered .. looks like you have the same thing my man
Thank you I'll definitely let it dry out I think I did over water it and I wish I could buy a ph tester but Egypt is really behind on the whole hydroponics deal I genuinely believe I'm the first person to attempt to grow weed in Egypt they have hash but it's made from stress


Well-Known Member
I grow in a peat/perlite blend and have for two years now.
I used to make my own, now I buy a large bail.
When I made it I had to add dolomite lime to raise the ph and help with uptake of nutrients.
The bails I buy already have the lime in it. Check your peat bag and see.
The lime is important when growing in peat.


Well-Known Member
Looks like your pH is a bit low, usually this is caused by peat moss. Not quite sure why you went with it over the more traditional potting soil blends