lil heavy


Active Member
alright so I move in with an old buddy about 4 months ago. everything's real cool until last week. why? I really don't know for sure...

i still haven't found a job. the first month or 2 i was here I didn't care, because I had a lot of money saved up. he didnt care either. the stipulation for me moving in was that i setup an internet connection. I bought some nice sacks and we smoked down like old times.we hung out every day.

i never planned on staying here. it sucks ass here.

the money ran out completely last week. i make it a point not to eat his food or take from him in any way. i've gone without eating anything for 2 days a couple times now, and have quit smoking cigs by default.... no cash to buy them. .... for example.

now when he comes home he jus goes in his room the whole time with the door closed, and smokes bowl after bowl. i asked him a couple times what's got him stressing but he...

doesn't want to say it or

it too proud to say it (he is known as a princess to some)

i guess. thats what came to mind.

but uh... he seems real pissed. like a refridgerator is up his ass. he says dont worry about it, and walks into another room lol

i was a kiddo when I befriended a lot of my folks and it seems very different now after 3-4 years. some are doing better, most are theyre doing the same things but now with felonies on their scripts. a few of them got addicted to heroin, 2 of them od'ed. maybe somebodys changing. they say dont drink stagnant water.

but yeah, I feel better after typing that. i'm moving state in a week or so anyway.