Likes Given Innacuracy

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Hi guys, Something don't appear to be working right with my profile page in the '' Likes Given '' part. Like most others when I see a post or pic or article that I really like I give the poster some '' rep '' and I do believe they are getting it, but if I look at my profile page right now for instance it says '' Likes given 4 '' I send out a lot more rep than that and the page seems to be recording only the first four reps that I ever gave maybe a couple of months ago, would be grateful if someone would fix this for me or enlighten me as to the reason. thanks in advance to anyone in the know here.


Staff member
yes likes are when someone or yourself "likes" a post, which is on the right hand side of the page rep is underneath someones post with the little Sherrif star and it makes the users green bar go up.

to see REP given go to my roll it up and scroll down to the bottom there you will see your recently given rep, and recently received rep