Like always women are not satisfied lol


Well-Known Member
Hey guys whats up. Havin a problem that I dont think I cant identify totally. Currently im doing masterk and chronic and just this past week 1/2 their leaves started twisting and shit and yellowing in spots, sometimes little yellow strips. The new growth on the chronic appears a little weak also. The master kush is the biggest one and looks to be suffering the most from this issue with little holes in the new growth and shit as the chronic currently only has the twisting and curling issue currently. Im using FFoF soil and have already checked the runoff wich is reading 6.85 and I have not feed any additional fertilizer at all. the temps are never over 78 and humidity sits at about 50-55. Is there anybody out there who has ran into this? I been on google and some sources say its from me not adding addiotional ferts is that true?