Like a fist closing...

Two of my plants (same kind) leaves have started to curl upwards, like a fist closing.

The rest of them are not doing this, but they are different strains and it is two which are identical in appearance that are exhibiting the same symptoms.

Here are pics !

IMG_1188.jpgIMG_1189.jpg IMG_1190.jpgIMG_1191.jpg

I feel the temperature of my room is too high, its currently hovering around the 35 degree mark but none of the other plants are affected like these ones are.

Any help much appreciated.
Ok, I raised the lights and repositioned the large fan i have in there, the grow room is not very big (large walk-in wardrobe) but it has a high roof so its not particularly humid in there, just hot.

The outside temperature is around 35 degrees as well at the moment, I think I am going to have to get an air-con unit to bring the temp down because I am just moving air around the room rather than cooling it down right now, but the plants all do have a constant breeze around them.

Those two plants affected by this I took out of the grow room and placed them outside, its hot and sunny and I figured they would do better outside than in as its cooler outside.

Did I goof ?


Active Member
I had a couple plants of unknown genetics that did the same thing. I put them outdoors and there loving life. Not all plants will grow well indoors.
Good to know thanks. My one worry is that I am still vegging them and I think they may begin to flower if I put them outside, but that being said they are already quite tall.

Thanks for the pointers :)


Active Member
It seems like the plants are getting too hot, Also you should keep the humiditiy at 65%. Another thing is that once the damage has been done they will look like that for the rest of your cycle. So it might be hard to tell if they are getting better. Also how often are you watering them? If you water them frequently i would use colder water around 60degrees it helps to offset the hot temperature on the outside. And also you should be using some type of root protectant like, AquaShield and a Silica like DutchMaster Zone.
Thanks for the advice guys. No nute burn here, I have been very careful with nutes after burning them early on and I bear the rule of the minimum in mind and there is no damage to any other plants, so I dont think its nute burn.

Could be wrong though.