lights or no lights while waiting for the sprout?


Well-Known Member
After the seeds crack and u put em in w/e u decide to put them in. I've seen people put lights on them, and I've seen people put them in a dark place until they sprout from the soil/rockwool , etc.

What do you guys think is best to do? Wait til they sprout? or put light on them even before they sprout up?


Well-Known Member
I've always left the light on. as soon as the taproot came out of the shell i had lights on.
Either way doesn't really make a difference. Some people leave the lights on 24 hours a day (like me).
Some people do 12/12 - it is apparently suppose to help with sexing - but i don't know if i would believe that or not..
Others wait until a sprout has made it through the medium to the open air to turn the lights on.

I think it really just comes down to preference.


Well-Known Member
Without light whats the sprout gonna grow towards?

24 hr for seedlings, some prefer 18/6 but I only use 18/6 for veg

Never give seedlings intense light though, I usually use 4ft fluorescent tubes, over a foot over the seedlings. Just until they develop their second set of leaves.