lights on or off?


Active Member
so im leaving on a friday afternoon, and instead of turning the lights off at 10pm and then turning them back on at 10 am the next day, ill be gone untill monday afternoon. i dont have a timer so which is better leaving the lights on or leaving them off? my girls are 44 days into flowering though they have gone through days at a time with the lights on 24hrs straight when they shoulda been on 12/12.


Active Member
so im leaving on a friday afternoon, and instead of turning the lights off at 10pm and then turning them back on at 10 am the next day, ill be gone untill monday afternoon. i dont have a timer so which is better leaving the lights on or leaving them off? my girls are 44 days into flowering though they have gone through days at a time with the lights on 24hrs straight when they shoulda been on 12/12.
any reason for not having a timer?

Illegal Smile

I guess there is room for different values regarding growing but mine is that when I start a grow, I am committed to being there to take care of it until harvest. You're asking for the best way to neglect your plants.


Well-Known Member
That's insane, I can't imagine manually turning lights on or off. That's just bad growing dude.

Since you've gone this far, I guess, just leave the lights off while you're gone.


Active Member
why no timer there inexpensive! Thers,s no exscuse for that. and if you leave them in darkness for that long they might just hermie. your damned if you dont and damned if you do, get a timer!


Well-Known Member
Agreed. A timer is 6 bucks. Invest in a good one for $15-20.

That being said, if you have to choose, go with all darkness instead of leaving them on. Leaving lights on will signal them to go into veg, although one day shouldnt trigger it. Darnkess will at least tell them they should still keep flowering.

You should be ok with one day of darkness. Some ppl give 24-48 hours of darness when switching from veg to flower.


Well-Known Member
i cant really understand not having a timer, i bought a pack of three for £10( guess thats around $18?). it just makes life a helluva lot easier. plus i like to get wasted too much so theres no way i'd remember to switch my lights!

Illegal Smile

By the way, I don't use a timer but I am meticulous about being here and turning lights on and off to the minute.


Well-Known Member
By the way, I don't use a timer but I am meticulous about being here and turning lights on and off to the minute.
Obviously this guy doesnt smoke enough weed. lol I cant remember Sh%$!!! But kudos to you dude. That's some serious dedication and committment. Me, I cant remember the last time I watered, I need a fricken chart! :joint:

Illegal Smile

Obviously this guy doesnt smoke enough weed. lol I cant remember Sh%$!!! But kudos to you dude. That's some serious dedication and committment. Me, I cant remember the last time I watered, I need a fricken chart! :joint:
It's not that hard. Twice a day the clocks say 7:00.


Active Member
Dude get a timer or a plant sitter, nothing else is acceptable. you can go to any hardware store and get one cheap.. you have done it this long don't fuck it up now!!!!!!!