Lights, 5 over or 25 short?

Metalarc Lemon

Active Member
Just a quick question to see what the general consensus is. If there is a timer that you can only adjust in 30 min increments and you notice that the timer when set on 12 12 gives a 12 hour 5 minute light on and a 11hr 55min off time. Would you turn it back 1 notch for an 11hr 35min on and 12hr25min dark or just let it roll with the 5 min over 12hrs on? Lets hear your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
I'd probably go with 11 hours 35 mins, in hopes that it speeds up flowering, a little. Idk, I don't think it would matter which one you use, but some might argue that the extra half hour might increase yield, and I'd assume that the additional 5 minutes over 12 hours, is harmless. I mean...alot of us use those crappy mechanical timers anyway, which I really doubt are exactly 12 hours on, 12 off, without any problems.