lightproof ? intake?


New Member
ok well i got a cabinet together and i have the doors on.. just one thing... how would i keep light from getting out/in the cracks?

and what would be the best way to ventalate it ? its about 48'' x24'' x36'' passive intake and outtake = computer fan ? oscelating fan ? quieter/efficent ? how much bigger would the passive intake need to be... right now i have a strip on the bottom of the cabinet with nothing covering it like a 1 inch x 48 inch hole so i can run wire's in and use it as an intake.. or cover some of it up and make it an intake ?
Do a test with the lights on an the doors shut, look for light leaks. I used that foam insulation tape that is used to seal windows, all around the opening of my cabinet.

For the vents, you can make a light baffle by making a 90° elbow off of the intake/outake with flexible aluminum ducting. That way air still flows in/out, but light doesn't.
i need it around the doors... will the tape work fot that...? and idk what ur talking about with the vents?
Now that I see what your room looks like. CABNET
What I would do is head over to the garden center and pick up some garden gutter guard. You know the stuff that keeps your grass from growing into your garden... Thin, black plastic and tape it to the doors so when its close it seals the room.

The sides of the door where the hinges are I would just duct tape. Open the door up all the way and tape strips to seal it up but keep the door functional.

Or a more simple but probably less light proof way would be to get a bottle of silicone bathroom caulk(white kind not seethrew) and put a thick bead all around till you have to shove the door to close it.
As long as it is as dark in your grow room as a full moon-lit night, you should be fine. Therefore, every last tiny crack isn't really a problem, maybe just tape a flap to the bottom of the door, using pandafilm. That way there is no gap under the door.

As for a light baffle. Its pretty simple. Check the pic I made.


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ok well ... as for taping and caulking the door that seems kinda stupid to me... i still want the door to move and i want it to look relitivly nice... as for the 90 degreee duct that might be pushing it... ima have this thing against a wall in my bedroom...
seems like a stupid thing to say... ? i was under the assumption that light leaks can turn ur plants hermie... along with a few more problems i can name
seems like a stupid thing to say... ? i was under the assumption that light leaks can turn ur plants hermie... along with a few more problems i can name
its genetics... not how you were raised. lol

Anyway, allot of things seem stupid to you. Just trying to help you out with what I've learned. Its not like I said tape the door shut or anything where your doors would become useless. I mean, what are you looking for?? If you don't want to seal the light out why not buy a new box?
ok well ... as for taping and caulking the door that seems kinda stupid to me... i still want the door to move and i want it to look relitivly nice... as for the 90 degreee duct that might be pushing it... ima have this thing against a wall in my bedroom...

You don't understand. I'm not talking about glueing or taping the door shut. They sell foam tape that is sticky on ONE side. You can also use PandaFilm wherever you need it, to seal any light leaks. Or make a gasket out of plastic tubing that covers the crack (this would be placed inside, so you wouldn't see the gasket when the door is shut)