

Active Member
Not far, its light but flourescents are exrtremely weak and the light deminishes in a short distance. Look on indoor growings subforum on CFL lighting.


Weed Modifier
How far can I get a plant to grow with a regular floresent grow light? Tight budget! please help.
As far as you like... but for flowering you will need allot of em to get enough light to all budsites...but I grow all mine with flurs and flower with a 150w hps... well worth the investment ;) but def can be done! just might get looser buds with just flur for flowering?... unless your going to by allot of em and surround her for best results!


Well-Known Member
read up on lst,scrog and topping. then pick one or make a mix.

fluo grow potent buds but dont reach far, so you gotta improvise and do a little bondage.


Well-Known Member
If its a bluish color is probably cool white which is like 4100k and its not to to usefull floros only have like 2 inches of light penetration granted you could use them your yield will be so low it wouldn't cover the electricity you used to grow the plant....


Weed Modifier
well if your going to go to flower most will work til then... for veg Cool/(natural shine bulb) what i use ( More blue)5000-6500k , but for flowering your going to want Warm bulb(More red light)2500k-4000k, 2500k being ideal for flowering...and you'll want to get the lights close...even a few cfl's for the sides too! just a thought

oh yah does it have it on the bulb...type??? something


Nothing on the bulb, I don't mind if I get loser buds, Im actually expecting it. I got the seeds out of my bag of weed, (Mursh from last years crop) its more for pratice. once i get a handle on growing then ill put some more money into it. not worth going all out if i cant do it. I also got a book that iv read twice. its exciting. only a one plant operation. what are your thoughts on plasma lights, i saw one at the garden store! 1400 bucks though ugh. guy told me its good for all plant phases. this true? the spectrum chart seems to make it true.